
M.R.A. van Gent

14 records found

The objective of this study is to assess the maximum influence of wind on wave overtopping at rubble mound breakwaters with crest walls under oblique wave attack. Physical model experiments were conducted in which the maximum effect of wind was simulated by placing a rotating pad ...
In this thesis, the loading characteristics of a crown wall on a rubble mound breakwater are investigated using a 2D physical model. The study examines both overall stability (through sliding) and the temporal and spatial distributions of pressure along the face and base of the c ...
Twenty years after the introduction of Xbloc, DMC, which is a member of Royal BAM Group, introduced a uniformly placed and interlocking concrete armour unit named XblocPlus, which is suitable for straight to mildly curved breakwater sections, whereas Xbloc is currently applied on ...
The objective of this research is to gather more information about a possible relation between the slope angle of a rubble mound breakwater and the wave overtopping at this breakwater. The following research question is covered in this thesis: What is the influence of the slope a ...
Breakwaters are built in coastal zones to alter sediment transport, or protect threatened habitats and port facilities. The rising sea level is causing more water to overtop these structures. Increasing amounts of overtopping discharge can compromise the security of people, or eq ...
Due to the rising sea level in combination with land subsidence there is a need to reinforce the dikes. The use of a crest element to increase the height of the dike is an effective and relatively cheap way to reinforce the dikes (Hogeveen, 2021). When a crest element is used, th ...

Sea level rise adaptation of rubble mound breakwaters

An adaptation pathway approach including sea level rise uncertainty and numerical overtopping modelling

If sea level rises faster than anticipated in the initial design of rubble mound breakwaters, a serious threat is posed to their functionality. To limit wave overtopping, breakwaters must be adapted to the rising sea level and subsequent increase in wave load ...

The impact of climate change, particularly the rise in sea levels, obstructs the effectiveness of existing coastal structures. Additionally, climate change can also have an amplifying effect on wind speeds (Takagi & Esteban, 2013). Without proper control, the accumulation of ...
In this research, the influence of the permeability and the porosity of artificial reefs on wave transmission and the sheltered habitat of marine life is investigated. A physical model is used to find the answer to this question.
The main finding of this research is that a h ...
Climate change affects sea level rise and the safety of the people living behind seadikes. In order to prepare for this, several adaptation measures are available to reduce the overtopping discharge. Wave overtopping can be reduced by including roughness elements or adding a berm ...
The objective of this master thesis is to investigate experimentally how non-breaking wave loading affects the stability of the MOSES artificial reefs, an artificial reef by the company ReefSystems. Small scale wave flume tests with a length scale factor of 20 were conducted in t ...

Impact of Damages on the Stability and Reliability of Pattern-Placed Revetments

An analysis with use of a finite element model into the different types of damages for pattern-placed revetments under wave loading

Over time, degradation processes might cause damage to pattern-placed revetments. Examples of such damages are missing elements, deformation, and the loss of joint filling. However, little is known about the exact consequences of those damages. Therefore, when damage is observed ...

Climate Adaptation of Rubble Mound Breakwaters

A study to the accuracy of overtopping formulas for combination of solutions

Rubble mound structures are often constructed to prevent severe wave damage to ships. By constructing the crest at a certain level, the waves are reduced such that safety is ensured. However, a large increase in sea level rise is expected in the next century due to climate change ...
Living breakwaters are designed to protect the coast against flooding and erosion, whilst at the same time they enhance the local ecological system by incorporating natural reef components. This study investigates the design of a modular artificial reef developed by the company c ...