Numerical modelling of wave interaction with rock-armoured rubble mound breakwaters has been performed to study wave overtopping. The influences of the slope angle, a berm in the seaward slope, a protruding crest wall, a recurved parapet, and the wave steepness have been studied
Numerical modelling of wave interaction with rock-armoured rubble mound breakwaters has been performed to study wave overtopping. The influences of the slope angle, a berm in the seaward slope, a protruding crest wall, a recurved parapet, and the wave steepness have been studied using a validated CFD model (OpenFOAM). The numerical modelling confirms trends that have been observed in physical model tests while the validity of earlier developed guidelines has been examined outside the ranges of the physical model tests on which the guidelines are based. The numerical model results confirm that wave overtopping at rubble mound breakwaters depends on the wave steepness, that the influence of a berm is affected by the wave steepness, and that an earlier developed influence factor to account for the effects of a protruding crest wall can be applied to even larger crest walls than the tested crest walls on which the guidelines are based. The results indicate that the influence of the applied core material of the berm on the discharges is very limited. The numerical model also indicates that applying a recurved parapet on a crest wall of a rubble mound breakwater only has an effect for very small overtopping discharges. The numerical model results show that wave overtopping at rubble mound breakwaters strongly depends on the slope angle. Since this effect is so large that it cannot be neglected, while present guidelines for non-breaking waves do not include the effect of the slope angle, modified guidelines have been proposed. The observed effects of the slope on wave overtopping discharges at rubble mound structures still need to be verified based on physical model tests.