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A. Micheli

6 records found

Residual Connections in Spiking Neural Networks

Skipping deeper: Unveiling the Power of Residual Connections in Multi-Spiking Neural Networks

In recent years the emergence of Spiking Neural Net- works (SNNs) has shown that these networks are a promis- ing alternative to traditional Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) due to their low-power computing capabilities and noise robustness. Nevertheless, in recent approaches, t ...
Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) represent a distinct class of neural network models that incorporate an additional temporal dimension. Neurons within SNN operate according to the Leaky Integrate-and-Fire principle, governed by ordinary differential equations. Inter-layer neuronal c ...
Spiking neural networks (SNNs) aim to utilize mechanisms from biological neurons to bridge the computational and efficiency gaps between the human brain and machine learning systems. The widely used Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire (LIF) neuron model accumulates input spikes into an expo ...

Backpropagating in time-discretized multi-spike spiking neural networks

How are the training accuracy and training speed (in epochs and time) of a spiking neural network affected when numerically integrating with the forward-Euler and Parker-Sochacki methods?

Spiking neural networks have gained traction as both a tool for neuroscience research and a new frontier in machine learning. A plethora of neuroscience literature exists exploring the realistic simulation of neurons, with complex models re- quiring the formulation and integratio ...

Impact of time-discretization on the efficiency of continuous time Spiking Neural Networks

The effects of the time step size on the accuracy, sparsity and latency of the SNN

The increasing computational costs of training deep learning models have drawn more and more attention towards more power-efficient alternatives such as spiking neural networks (SNNs). SNNs are an artificial neural network that mimics the brain’s way of processing information. Th ...

Benchmarking Neural Decoders

Benchmarking of Hardware-efficient Real-time Neural Decoding in Brain-computer Interfaces

Designing processors for implantable closed-loop neuromodulation systems presents a formidable challenge owing to the constrained operational environment, which requires low latency and high energy efficacy. Previous benchmarks have provided limited insights into power consumption ...