J. Tang
3 records found
The goal of this study is to test out the accuracy of the upscaling approach (Jinyu Tang, 2021) for a geothermal doublet. This approach tries to simulate the physical thermal dispersion. When modeling in a geothermal reservoir it would be easy if a lot of layers can be upscaled.
Effect of oil on foam displacements:
CT Coreflood and data fitting
Foam is a promising solution for improving the poor sweep efficiency of gas injection for enhanced oil recovery (EOR), in that foam lowers gas mobility significantly by trapping gas bubbles. Most of oils destabilize foam, the effect of which dominates foam strength when foam is i
The mobilization of the trapped residual oil is an important part of Enhanced Oil Recovery. The desaturation of nonwetting fluids from porous media is often described using capillary numbers which are a ratio of viscous forces over the capillary forces between the wetting and the