Dispersion and Heat Conduction in a Simplified Geothermal Doublet
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The goal of this study is to test out the accuracy of the upscaling approach (Jinyu Tang, 2021) for a geothermal doublet. This approach tries to simulate the physical thermal dispersion. When modeling in a geothermal reservoir it would be easy if a lot of layers can be upscaled. However, when doing upscaling one can not just take an average of the layer properties. This results in a very inaccurate representation of reality. That is where the upscaling comes in. First, some other
points need to be considered. The reservoir is simulated in DARTS (Wang, Voskov, Khait, & Bruhn, 2020). This simulator uses numerical methods to model the reservoir. Before starting on modeling geothermal reservoirs first a 1D case is evaluated to check for numerical dispersion that comes into play. With that evaluation done the 2D cases were simulated. The full reservoir has 91 layers, these can be upscaled into 9 layers eventually. To start building up to that scenario first 2 other scenarios are evaluated. First, an upscaled section of the first block of upscaled layers is evaluated. This was originally 10 layers and now upscaled to one layer. This one layer was first simulated in a one grid simulation and then a single grid simulation. These results are compared to a simulation of the original layer properties and a simulation of an arithmetic average of the
reservoir properties. This is also done on a second scenario with 2 upscaled groups and eventually the full 9 layer reservoir (originally 91 layers). With these scenarios evaluated the upscaling shows to give a better simulation of the reservoir compared to using an average for the layer properties.
This is all compared with a simulation of the original layer properties.