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R.J. Dijkstra

30 records found

Cities for Families of Tomorrow

Children’s independent mobility in Lombardijen – A place to play, learn and grow

Cities for Families of Tomorrow aims to create a family-friendly neighbourhood in Lombardijen by addressing parents’ concerns about social and traffic safety, thereby enhancing children's independent mobility, crucial for a healthy lifestyle. The study focuses on establishing a c ...

Walk your way to joy

A radical redesign of the postwar neighbourhood for a joyful future of its residents

Postwar neighbourhoods, designed in the 1950s and '60s with the wijkgedachte in mind, have developed into unattractive environments. These areas are now defined by monotonous apartment blocks surrounded by vast stretches of grass and car-focused infrastructure. As a result, the q ...

Playing Our Way Forward

Designing a Child-Friendly, Playful, and Inclusive Utrecht Overvecht

Outdoor play is declining, with negative consequences for children’s development, physical health, mental well being and social relations. More action is needed than the presence of a singular playground in a neighborhood to make outdoor play popular again in this digital and urb ...
Urban mixed-use development has been a popular subject in both research and practice. In recent years, stimulated by sustainable development and land shortage, Trendy Mix has emerged widely in Europe, especially in the Netherlands. Trendy Mix is a type of urban design with specia ...

Dioptase Horizons

Envisioning a biophilic blueprint for Zwolle’s future

This graduation project aims to address the pressing issues of climate change, the population growth and population shifts, as well as the housing crisis that is simultaneously created, in the Dutch context. As cities in the Netherlands are facing shortages in housing, more and m ...

From Node to Place

A new livable and sustainable neighborhood in Amsterdam Sloterdijk

This graduation project, having as a starting point the concept of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), highlights the importance of high-density mixed-use developments around railway stations.
With this goal in mind, the station area of Amsterdam Sloterdijk was selected as a ...

Ecological road design

A study on the effects of roads on ecosystem services in Leiden

In recent decades, the world’s population has increased exponentially and is expected to increase even more in the coming years. More and more people are moving to the city. In the Netherlands, too, we are dealing with population growth in the Randstad, and therefore also in Leid ...
In recent decades, the relevance of the railway as a more sustainable alternative for (inter)national commuting has increased significantly. Moreover, contemporary railway stations are becoming not only important mobility hubs where national and local transportation systems are i ...

Hybrid Working, Quality Living

Transformation of densification for live-work mixed-use neighborhood in post-pandemic office districts: Beukenhorst, Hoofddorp

“Hybrid Working, Quality Living” seizes the opportunity of the surging hybrid remote working trend to promote work style and lifestyle changes in office districts and beyond. Remote working has been developing but has never been applied on such a global scale before. Since the en ...
Urban environments in the Netherlands are under a lot of pressure. Deca
des of urbanization, emitting greenhouse gasses and diminishing ecology
have created far going consequences for our living environments. Cities
are experiencing increasing heatwaves, heavier and ...

Rethinking Rooftops

Exploration of the potential and (re)development of Rotterdam’s flat roofs to contribute to a sustainable and resilient city in the future

Rotterdam’s almost untapped roofscape offers an exceptional chance to solve large urban, and environmental problems cities are facing nowadays. Take for instance, climate change, energy transition, loss of biodiversity, and the shortage of public places. Therefore we should rethi ...

Community Capital

Aiding low income communities in asserting their place in the urban space of Rotterdam

The place of urban low-income populations is increasingly coming under threat in the modern and globalized city - as urban centers are becoming more prominent and attractive parts of society and economy, and the addressal of poverty more socially prominent, questions and actions ...


Towards sustainable urban development for a socio-economically mixed neighbourhood and liveable Spangen, Tussendijken and Bospolder

Improved liveability in the neighbourhoods Spangen, Tussendijken and Bospolder is desirable. A more socio-economically diverse population partly contributes to this. Gentrification makes wealthier residents move into the neighbourhoods in a short period of time. Yet, it causes a ...

Social Sustainability through Community Land Trusts

A qualitative study on the impact of a CLT on the social sustainability of a neighbourhood.

The Community Land Trust (CLT) model is regarded by some as a possible solution to the current issues that European housing markets are facing, such as unaffordability and segregation. As this model is able to provide perpetual affordable housing through collaboration between loc ...
One of the many challenges facing the Netherlands is the government’s
goal of building one million homes by 2030, as a solution to the housing
deficiency that’s plaguing the Netherlands. The intended method is to densify current urban areas rather than continuously expand ...

Softening the harder ground

Researching the potential of new street profiles to include a 50% green surface.

The Netherlands is facing urbanisation and densification, and the domination of car use in our mobility system. Both challenges result in built structures and hard surfaces claiming the public space and leaving less space for green and other functions, resulting in the imbalance ...


On the Activation of Border Space to Enable Interaction and Accommodate Inclusive Mobility

This thesis reflects on the exclusion of refugees and other migrants from mobility in border space. The research suggests that, while society is becoming increasingly mobile, refugees and other ‘undesired movers’ are excluded from the otherwise unrestricted possibilities to move ...


Investigative Research & Evolutionary Design on Mixed Densification in Shanghai’s Living Neighbourhood

The chapter first introduced the author’s motivation for this project. It shows the sprawl of monofunctional residential neighborhoods and the urgency to building more homes to accommodate the increasing population. In the problem statement, the author illustrated now the normal ...
In Europe there is a growing concern about the development of future urban form, especially deconcentrating of urban land use in the form of urban sprawl. Urban sprawl is synonymous with unplanned incremental urban development, characterized by a low density mix of land uses on t ...

People-oriented Street Design

Transform street from spaces into places with Automated Vehicle as a trigger

Improving the quality of urban spaces has always been the central concern for the urban designers. Street as the typical type of public spaces comprises more than 80% of public space in cities, but they often fail to provide a space where people can safely walk, bicycle and socia ...