D. Kurowicka
18 records found
A Vine Copula Approach for Portfolio Optimisation
Exploring the Effect of Copulas and Vine Models on Optimal Investment Allocation of Stock Index Returns
This thesis explores the growing complexity of contemporary financial markets, which is a consequence of a world that is increasingly interconnected and correlated. This evolution highlights the necessity of understanding and accurately modeling these underlying relationships, wh
This thesis explores the application of Gaussian Graphical Models (GGMs) with a specific focus on identifying symmetries within EEG data. A significant challenge in using GGMs is achieving accurate estimations with limited observations, which is common in medical data. This resea
The aim of this thesis is the study of inference problems in Pair Copula Bayesian Networks (PCBN). To this end, certain sub-structures called arteries are identified in the PCBNs and Arterial Sample Propagation, a sample-based extension of Pearl's Belief Propagation Algorithm, is
This thesis investigates the Ground Motion Model (GMM) for the Groningen Seismic Hazard & Risk Analysis. We look at various aspects of the model to see where improvements can be made. We start by looking at model calibration and validation, where we check to what extent the p
Predicting the Swap Spread with a Dynamic Nelson-Siegel Model
A Novel Approach to Predict the Spread between Two Correlated Interest Rates
This thesis aims to develop a methodology for predicting the swap spread, which is defined as the difference between the German government bond interest rate and the Euribor swap rate. Thus far, the prediction of interest rates is limited to the prediction of a single interest ra
The pair-copula Bayesian network (PCBN) is a Bayesian network (BN) where the conditional probability functions are modeled using pair-copula constructions. By assigning bivariate conditional copulas to the arcs of the BN, one finds a proper joint density which can flexibly model
Energy Efficiency Valuation
Estimating the increase in expected transaction price due to improved energy efficiency in the Dutch housing market
Recent advancements in causal inference and machine learning research have brought forward methods to estimate effects of interventions from observational data. The augmented inverse probability weighted (AIPW) estimator is such a method, which can be used to obtain estimates of
Due to technological breakthrough in recent decades and the rapid increase in the availability of multidimensional data, data science has become one of the most important areas of research. Within this field, modeling dependence of random variables is gaining great interest. To c
Threshold tuning of transaction monitoring models
A risk-based approach to combat money laundering
Money laundering is an increasing problem for the global economy. To combat money laundering, banks use transaction monitoring models with particular thresholds to detect unusual transaction behaviour. However, it is a challenge to determine and evaluate the suitability of a thre
River floods are becoming increasingly devastating because of climate change (more frequent and extreme rainfall), population growth and the increasing economic importance of river basins. This situation requires maintenance and strengthening of flood-defence systems.
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The Lamperti Transform
Applications to Stochastic Local Volatility Models
This thesis showcases a rather contemporary method of solving a generalized system of stochastic differential equations (SDE's) comparable to the SABR model. The solution is derived from a stochastic-local volatility (SLV) model in which the local volatility (LV) component is kep
Building models for an electric vehicles usage data set in order to simulate virtual populations of these electric vehicle users. With these simulated populations charging strategies for electric vehicle users could be developed in order to improve the use of electric vehicles.
The Morris method is a widely used screening method in sensitivity analysis. The method assumes that the input parameters are independent of each other. To overcome the assumption a copula-based Morris method is proposed. In this report the results of taking the dependencies into
Banks are financial institutions that lend money from other parties and provide loans to individuals and organisation for a higher interest. Lending out money is associated with the risk that debtors are not able to fully or partially repay the loans. This is called credit risk.
Characterizations of Multivariate Tail Dependence
On theory and inference to assess extremal dependence structures
This thesis gathers, develops and evaluates several characterizations of multivariate tail dependence. It is established that the stable tail dependence function (STDF) is a suitable copula-based dependence function that fully captures the multivariate extremal dependence structu
The method of pairwise comparisons is a method that is commonly used in psychology to model human preferences for a set of objects. In a pairwise comparison experiment, the preferences of a sample are obtained by comparing the objects in pairs. Each individual in the sample judge
Trace metals appear in estuarine systems in two forms: dissolved and particulate.
Describing the partitioning between these two forms is done by a coefficient, K_d, which relies on a number of environmental parameters, such as the salinity of the water and the seasonally dep ...
Describing the partitioning between these two forms is done by a coefficient, K_d, which relies on a number of environmental parameters, such as the salinity of the water and the seasonally dep ...