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Bayesian mean–variance analysis

Optimal portfolio selection under parameter uncertainty

The paper solves the problem of optimal portfolio choice when the parameters of the asset returns distribution, for example the mean vector and the covariance matrix, are unknown and have to be estimated by using historical data on asset returns. Our new approach employs the Baye ...

We consider the estimation of the multi-period optimal portfolio obtained by maximizing an exponential utility. Employing the Jeffreys non-informative prior and the conjugate informative prior, we derive stochastic representations for the optimal portfolio weights at each time ...

We derive new results related to the portfolio choice problem for power and logarithmic utilities. Assuming that the portfolio returns follow an approximate log-normal distribution, the closed-form expressions of the optimal portfolio weights are obtained for both utility func ...

In this paper, new tests for the independence of two high-dimensional vectors are investigated. We consider the case where the dimension of the vectors increases with the sample size and propose multivariate analysis of variance-type statistics for the hypothesis of a block diago ...

In this paper, we construct two tests for the weights of the global minimum variance portfolio (GMVP) in a high-dimensional setting, namely, when the number of assets p depends on the sample size n such that p/n → c ϵ (0, 1) as n tends to infinity. In the case of a singular co ...

In this paper we derive the optimal linear shrinkage estimator for the high-dimensional mean vector using random matrix theory. The results are obtained under the assumption that both the dimension p and the sample size n tend to infinity in such a way that p∕n→c∈(0,∞). Under ...

In this paper, we consider the asymptotic distributions of functionals of the sample covariance matrix and the sample mean vector obtained under the assumption that the matrix of observations has a matrix-variate location mixture of normal distributions. The central limit theo ...

We study the distributional properties of the linear discriminant function under the assumption of normality by comparing two groups with the same covariance matrix but different mean vectors. A stochastic representation for the discriminant function coefficients is derived, w ...

We estimate the global minimum variance (GMV) portfolio in the high-dimensional case using results from random matrix theory. This approach leads to a shrinkage-type estimator which is distribution-free and optimal in the sense of minimizing the out-of-sample variance. Its asy ...

‘To have what they are having’

Portfolio choice for mimicking mean–variance savers

In this work we construct an optimal shrinkage estimator for the precision matrix in high dimensions. We consider the general asymptotics when the number of variables p→. ∞ and the sample size n→ ∞ so that p/n→ c∈ (0, + ∞). The precision matrix is estimated directly, without i ...

For a sample of n independent identically distributed p-dimensional centered random vectors with covariance matrix σn let S~n denote the usual sample covariance (centered by the mean) and Sn the non-centered sample covariance matrix (i.e. the matrix of se ...

In this paper we derive the exact solution of the multi-period portfolio choice problem for an exponential utility function under return predictability. It is assumed that the asset returns depend on predictable variables and that the joint random process of the asset returns ...

In the present paper, we derive a closed-form solution of the multi-period portfolio choice problem for a quadratic utility function with and without a riskless asset. All results are derived underweak conditions on the asset returns.No assumption on the correlation structure ...

In this work we construct an optimal linear shrinkage estimator for the covariance matrix in high dimensions. The recent results from the random matrix theory allow us to find the asymptotic deterministic equivalents of the optimal shrinkage intensities and estimate them consi ...

In the paper, we consider three quadratic optimization problems which are frequently applied in portfolio theory, i.e.; the Markowitz mean-variance problem as well as the problems based on the mean-variance utility function and the quadratic utility. Conditions are derived und ...


In this thesis we shall consider sample covariance matrices Sn in the case when the dimension of the data increases with the sample size to infinity ,while the ratio approaches a fixed constant. We will derive a new statistic based on the general linear shrinkage estimator by Bod ...
The aim of this thesis is to model fully collateralized exposures in the presence of the Margin Period of Risk, i.e., the time between the last successful collateral call to the time where the amount of the loss crystallizes. We start with introducing a closed-form expression to ...
Time series analysis is used to predict future behaviour of processes and is widely used in the finance sector. In this paper we will analyse the modelling of multivariate time series of financial data using vector autoregressive processes. The goal is that the reader will unders ...