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E. Papadimitriou

9 records found

Studying the Interaction between Vulnerable Road Users and Automated Vehicle

A Pedestrian-Cyclist Virtual Reality Co-simulator and Experiment in Shared Space

We have successfully designed and implemented a multi-player, multi-modal virtual reality (VR) co-simulator that integrates both pedestrians and cyclists within the same VR environment. This co-simulator is designed to support multi-player, multi-modal VR experiments aimed at com ...
This study examines the impact of Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) systems on traffic flow efficiency and road safety, with a particular emphasis on transition control between automated and manual driving. Empirical data from the OpenACC database and the SAE Level 2 naturalistic dri ...
Autonomous Driving Systems (ADS) are an innovative solution to urban mobility problems and have the potential to transform the Dutch roads radically. However, before these systems can be widely adopted, they must undergo a rigorous certification process to meet safety and reliabi ...

Subjective Road Safety

Approach for Dutch municipalities to gain insight into subjective road safety

This study investigates how Dutch municipalities can measure and use subjective road safety. A literature review was conducted, analyzing 31 scientific sources. In addition, gray literature and practical differences were examined, involving 13 different parties. Interviews were a ...

Evaluating the effectiveness of sustainable measures in achieving driving behaviour compliance on GOW30 roads

A driving simulator experiment based on the Zaagmolenstraat in Rotterdam, the Netherlands

In order to increase traffic safety in the Netherlands, the government implemented the GOW30-policy. However, evaluation of this policy shows that drivers do not comply with this newly imposed speed limit sufficiently. For this reason, roads need to be designed in such a way that ...
New applications of connectivity between vehicles and the infrastructure are developed. One of these applications is providing upstream information on variable speed limits to connected and automated vehicles. It is expected that the connectivity can contribute to safer roads due ...
Current indicators for measuring traffic safety such as fatalities and severe injuries are lagging indicators, meaning that an accident first needs to happen before it can be measured. With the rise of automation in vehicles, the opportunity may arise to measure leading indicator ...
Railways are facing the challenge to simultaneously increase the capacity and the operational performance of their network. Automatic train operation (ATO) can be one of the technologies to increase the capacity of the railway network. The specifications for ATO over the European ...