H.C. Winsemius

9 records found

Rapid urbanization has altered the natural hydrological cycle of the Tub Ma catchment, inducing major floods after heavy rainfall events. For that reason, structural mitigation measures were built, including floodwalls along the channel and a pumping station at the outlet. Howeve ...

Hidden Danger

Mapping consequences of underground water infrastructure failure to guide asset management

Continuous functioning of sewer systems and water distribution networks is crucial for liveability, public health and economic prosperity in urban areas. Progressive deterioration of these underground water infrastructures leads to an increased probability of failure. Maintenance ...

Improving flood fatality risk assessment for river flooding in the Netherlands

Implications of alternative functions and model resolution variations on mortality and fatalities in the Bommelerwaard

The number of fatalities due to a potential flood event is traditionally determined utilizing 'mortality functions’. Data of recent large-scale flooding in the Netherlands are not available since the Netherlands was successful in flood prevention. Therefore, only data from the la ...
This research assesses the impact of plastic waste accumulation on flood events with citizen observations in Kumasi, Ghana. In Kumasi, the fastest growing city in Ghana, flooding events have become more intense due to rapid urbanisation and land use intensification. Additionally, ...

The Future of the Haringvliet Sluices

Research to the Lifetime of the Haringvliet Sluices and an Evaluation of Conceptual Designs

The Haringvliet sluices is one of the Delta Works. The sluices were finished in 1970 and are thus 50 years old. This research is initiated because the expected lifetime of hydraulic structures is thought to decrease significantly due to climate change. This s ...

The water cycle with climate change

A study on atmospheric moisture transport using GFDL climate forecasts

Climate change causes temperatures to rise worldwide. Up until now it is unclear what effect this has on the global water cycle. In this study the output of two GFDL model experiments were thoroughly investigated and used in the moisture tracking model WAM-2layers, accounting for ...

Silenced Rivers

Modelling and assessing the impacts of large-scale hydropower projects on the ecohydrology of the Myitnge and Myittha rivers in Myanmar

Hydrological modifications to the natural flow regime through the regulation of a river threaten the integrity of river ecosystems. In Myanmar, the exponentially growing hydropower sector poses a threat to the ecohydrology of some of the last large free-flowing rivers in the worl ...
Shanghai is a city located in a coastal region and to understand the flood risks it is exposed to, it is of most importance to first understand the processes that control the water levels for the different flood scenarios. Historically, the Huangpu River has reached its highest l ...

Fair Impact-based Forecasting in Manila Bay, Philippines

Integration of the information needs of disaster managers into fair impact-based forecasting to improve emergency management

The Philippines is a country located in the typhoon belt of the Pacific. Its location makes it typhoon prone and on average around 20 typhoons enter the country every year (Asian Disaster Reduction Center, 2008). This natural phenomenon can have disastrous effects and therefore, ...