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B.M. van Breukelen

23 records found

Evaluating the Resilience of Urban Drainage Systems in Rotterdam Under Extreme Precipitation

How hydrodynamic models can guide climate adaptation strategies?

In response to the growing risks of pluvial flooding due to climate change, this thesis presents a framework to assess the resilience of urban drainage systems and guide adaptation strategies using coupled 1D-2D modelling and economic flood risk assessments. The research begins b ...

Nutrient Transport through Submarine Groundwater Discharge on Curaçao

Numerical simulation to estimate the effect of leakage from onsite sewage disposal systems

Both globally and locally on the island of Curaçao, coral reef degradation is a pressing issue. These ecosystems are threatened by climate change and pollution due to human activities. The latter mostly occurs through pollution of groundwater, elevating the groundwater concentrat ...
Globally, there is an ongoing trend to improve the live-ability of cities. Furthermore, the importance of sufficient urban response systems for storm water is growing due to climate change and urbanization. Sustainable Urban Drainage Solutions (SUDSs) are seen as a key tool to ta ...
In this study, the relationship between water quality and agriculture in the upstream region of the Brantas catchment has been investigated, with a focus on Electric Conductivity (EC), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH, nitrate, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), phosphate and ammonia conce ...
Dunea’s drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) want to reach the new arsenic (As) companytarget of < 1 µg/L, due to uncertainties on toxicity at the current WHO, European and Dutch guideline of 10 µg/L. The aim of this research was to lower the As concentration in Dunea’s eff ...
The water quality of the Brantas river in Indonesia is of concern to several agencies on East Java. These agencies all measure its water quality in their own way in terms of locations, rhythms and parameters. The goal of this thesis is to find out if these agencies measure the sa ...
Saltwater intrusion in groundwater is a concern in many aquifers around the world. It results in deterioration of potable and irrigation water quality and degradation of ecosystems. The problem is exacerbated by fresh groundwater abstraction, drying climates and a rising seawater ...
This study addresses the critical aspects of injection well clogging as part of an Aquifer Storage, Transfer and Recovery (ASTR) pilot infiltrating tile drainage water (TDW) from agricultural field into an anoxic brackish sandy aquifer for later re-use as irrigation water for flo ...
Seawater intrusion modeling is challenging either because of a lack of many approaches' ability to cope with complex environments or significant computational expense. Seawater intrusion models also face issues with parameterization and validation due to problems with many parame ...
Eternal aftercare for landfills is the standard in Dutch waste management policy after a law came into effect in 1996, meaning eternal waste management from potentially hazardous substances. A prescription of this policy is the application of watertight barriers on top of the was ...

Determination of the removal efficiency of a decentralized stormwater treatment system

A theoretical approach to assess a modified SediSubtrator L

Due to the predicted impacts of climate change on the frequency of storm events, water managers are challenged to improve and adapt the current urban infrastructure. Cities need to be able to deal with the adverse effects due to more frequent and heavier rainfall. This implies th ...
The Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA) framework incorporates the uncertainties of climate change that impact project planning, socioeconomic justification, and engineering design into a step-wise and collaborative planning process to guide a technical analyst to low ...

The underlying processes of evaporative changes

Within the transition period in the Miombo Woodlands, Mpika, Zambia in 2018

The Miombo woodlands are characterized by a transition period which is defined as the dry period in which grasses wither, trees shed and flush their leaves a few weeks before the rainy season. It is difficult to measure evaporation, due to the influence of the plant water storage ...
Urban sanitation in developing countries requires systems thinking as there is a plethora different variables which can impact the delivery of adequate sanitation for the people. In the traditional sense, sanitation planning in urban cities focuses on keeping people away from hum ...

Predicting strontium carbonate precipitation through regression

A focus on recovery from reverse osmosis concentrate

Resource recovery from waste streams is indispensable to shifting from a linear economy to a circular economy. Industrial concentrate is a waste stream that is actively researched to explore and expand the prospects of resource recovery. Strontium (Sr), an alkaline earth metal, w ...
According to the United Nations, eutrophication is the most prevalent water quality problem. Developing countries especially are struggling to manage the increasing volume of untreated wastewater. A preliminary study of a Dutch-Indian partnership, developing universal watermanage ...
The temperature of drinking water is an important parameter, affecting physical, chemical, biological and aesthetic properties of the water. Currently, measurements exceeding the legal limit of 25ᵒC at the tap are exceptional. However, there are reasons to believe that the number ...
This study investigated the three possible main causes of injectivity reduction in geothermal wells (suspended solids, scaling, biological activity). That has been done by obtaining water samples at three operating geothermal doublet locations in the Netherlands. This paper conta ...

Parched Kaveri

A preliminary assessment of flow alteration and ecological condition of sub-basins of Kaveri river using global datasets

Freshwater biodiversity is in a state of crisis with an annual decline rate of 3.9% compared to 1.1% decline in terrestrial biodiversity (Living Planet Index). The actual decline rate may be higher than estimated as many of the species are data deficient or not yet assessed or be ...