R. D.J.M. Steenbergen

4 records found

Comparison of design methods for quay walls

Based on measured deformations in Eemshaven Groningen

The aim of this research is to investigate which design method results in the best approximation of the deformations of a quay wall consisting of an anchored combined wall with relieving platform, looking at the elastoplastic method and the finite element method. The elastoplasti ...
One of the basic principles of the design of structures is that they must be sufficiently safe and meet the required reliability requirements. In Eurocode NEN-EN 1990 specific minimum reliability index values are defined, which depend on a certain reference period and reliability ...
During the design phase of a foundation installation aspects are easily overlooked. When this aspect is overlooked a foundation element risks not reaching its design depth or getting damaged during the installation process. As a result significant delays and/or costs could occur. ...
In order to perform a reassessment of existing structures or design new structures in a more efficient and economical way non-linear finite element (NLFE) models are used to take into account all non-linear behavior in reinforced concrete structures. The Model Code 2010 (fib, 201 ...