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16 records found

Agricultural businesses in Ghana heavily depend on rain-fed farming, but they are facing increasing challenges due to climate change and population growth. Accurate weather forecasts providing useful information on the onset of the rainy season are therefore of utmost importance. ...
Nowcasting high-intensity precipitation is crucial for emergency services and municipalities when making weather-dependent decisions. This research implements and trains a deep generative model for nowcasting using a cleaned precipitation radar composite dataset spanning 15 years ...
The thesis explores an innovative technique for enhancing the precision of short-term weather forecasts, particularly in predicting extreme weather phenomena, which present a notable challenge for existing models such as PySTEPS due to their volatile behavior. Leveraging precipit ...
Polders water canals are sometimes exposed to brackish seepage from the nearby saline sea (salinization). This is a problem because the canal water is used to irrigate crops. A characteristic of water is that less dense (fresh) water floats on top of dense (saline) water. In lake ...
Small to medium-sized man-made freshwater reservoir are a reliable source for drinking water supply, hydropower generation and irrigation purposes worldwide. However, water volumes in these reservoirs can be significantly affected by prolonged droughts, resulting in severe impact ...


Hoe de beleidsontwikkelingen aangevuld kunnen worden om aan te sluiten op de veranderingen die optreden tot en met 2050

In dit onderzoek is onderzocht welke aanvullingen in het waterschaarstebeleid ervoor kunnen zorgen dat de beleidsontwikkelingen in Nederland aansluiten op de optredende verandering tot en met 2050. Hierbij is enerzijds in kaart gebracht hoe het beleid, met betrekking tot watersch ...

Prediction of Discharges from Polders to ‘Boezem’ Canals with a Random Forest and an LSTM Model

Improving Inputs of the Decision Support System of the Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland

In this research the possibilities of the application of machine learning models at ‘Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland’ are studied. A random forest (RF) and an LSTM model are used for the prediction of the sum of the discharge in the next 2, 8 and 12 hours from the polders to the b ...
Climate change imposes an increasingly big challenge worldwide regarding floods and droughts. The Netherlands is no exception to this, as it has been increasingly hit by these phenomena in recent years, especially in the south of the country. The July 2021 flood in the Geul catch ...
Ethiopia’s energy demand is expected to increase sevenfold in the coming 30 years, resulting in increased variable renewable electricity (VRE) production by solar PV and wind. Energy storage acts as a buffer that mitigates the effects of over- or under-capacity in production by V ...
The Geul river, a tributary of the Meuse located in the south Netherlands, Belgium, and part of Germany, is vulnerable to extreme hydrological events, such as floods, droughts, and erosion. There is evidence that these conditions are exacerbated by land use and climate changes. T ...
Flash floods are a major concern in hydrology and natural hazard science due to their high potential of causing fatalities and damages. They are caused by short, high-intensity rainfall and characterized by a flood event happening within six hours of the onset of precipitation.
The Netherlands has suffered form three successive dry summers resulting in a lowering of the groundwater table, causing water shortage. Also in the area of Water BoardDe Dommel, locatedwithin the province of Brabant, water shortage is a common problem. This results in water abst ...
Extreme precipitation can be characterized by the tail behavior of precipitation probability distributions.The tail contains the most extreme precipitation events and tells something about both the magnitude and frequency of these events. Here the heaviness amplification factor i ...

Delft Meet Regen

Onderzoek naar de dagelijkse neerslagspreiding in Delft op basis van de neerslagdata van Delft Meet Regen

In dit rapport zal er onderzocht worden wat de dagelijkse ruimtelijke spreiding van regen in Delft is op basis van de neerslagdata van het Delft Meet Regen project. In totaal hebben er 90 vrijwilligers meegedaan aan dit project en zijn er dus ook 90 meetpunten. De neerslagdata di ...
In het project Delft Meet Regen zijn er ongeveer 90 inwoners in Delft die een eigen handmatige regenmeter hebben gekregen en elke ochtend het aantal millimeters regen meten dat gedurende de ongeveer 24 uur daaraan voorafgaand is gevallen. De data van deze regenmeters gedurende ee ...
Transfer function noise (TFN) modelling is a form of time series analysis which regularly uses the recharge as a stress to explain the groundwater table fluctuations. Often the recharge flux is estimated as a linear combination of the precipitation and the (potential) evaporation ...