R. Bruintjes
3 records found
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) benefit from fine-grained details in high-resolution images, but these images are not always easily available as data collection can be expensive or time-consuming. Transfer learning pre-trains models on data from a related domain before fine-
Location information is essential for the ViT model. Image data has three types of location information: absolute location, relative direction, and relative distance. Various position embeddings methods have been used to introduce location information to the ViT model. Some exist
Weight Swapping
A new method for Supervised Domain Adaptation in Computer Vision using Discrete Optimization
Training Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models is difficult when there is a lack of labeled training data and no unlabeled data is available. A popular method for this is domain adaptation where the weights of a pre-trained CNN model are transferred to the problem setup. The