S. Schreier
24 records found
The growing demand for renewable energy has positioned Floating Offshore Wind Turbines (FOWTs) as a promising solution for harnessing wind energy in deeper waters. Unlike fixed foundation turbines, which are limited to depths of around 50 metres, FOWTs can operate in greater dept
The need for a fast transition towards clean electricity generation pushed large investments in high-risk, high-impact technologies such as floating Airborne Wind Energy Systems (AWESs), which are expected to be highly cost efficient with respect to state-of-the-art offshore wind
Experimental testing of floating offshore wind turbines (FOWT) is essential for understanding the various engineering challenges posed by their dynamic motion. For example, the pitch and surge motion of the FOWT results in unsteady aerodynamic effects caused by wake interaction.
Rising global CO2 levels have created a growing need for renewable energy resources. Offshore wind energy is a promising solution, with monopile (MP) foundations preferred for their relatively low cost, provided the site conditions are suitable. Recently, wind turbines have signi
During single-blade offshore wind turbine (OWT) installation, wind disturbance results in blade root motion. The sensitivity to this wind disturbance is more significant for larger blades, reducing the allowable installation weather limit. A potential solution is a Hook Mounted C
Mooring analysis for a TLP supporting a 15MW wind turbine
Identifying critical design parameters that influence the design life of a mooring system regarding higher-order loads for a TLP supporting a 15MW wind turbine
With the pressing matter of climate change, the importance of renewable energy sources is increasing day by day. A large portion of this renewable energy is to be generated with the use of wind turbines, which are commonly located onshore. In recent decades, great effort has been
Modelling of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines (FOWTs) is challenging due to the strong coupling between the aerodynamics of the turbine and the hydrodynamics of the floating structure, which makes the dynamic response of the whole system highly complex. A variety of numerical appr
The demand for renewable energies is rising due to climate goals and high oil prices. Not only the established renewable sources like wind and solar are interesting to exploit. There is a vast amount of energy stored in the world’s oceans. To harvest this energy, one needs a Wave
Operation considerations for pre-tensioning mooring systems’
Analysis of current pre-tensioning operations by analysing static and dynamic loads
In recent years, the demand for renewable energy has increased significantly because of its lower environmental impact than conventional energy technologies. As a result, wind power is one of the most important renewable energy sources. As land-based turbines have reached their
Mooring system design, related to Pioneering Spirit
Improvement of a mooring system to secure a barge alongside Pioneering Spirit in offshore conditions, including an evaluation of the dynamic loads
Continuous development in the wind turbine industry leads to increasing size of wind turbines. Allseas investigates the possibility to enter the offshore wind turbine installation industry with Pioneering Spirit.
For Allseas’ preliminary wind turbine installation design, wind ...
For Allseas’ preliminary wind turbine installation design, wind ...
An investigation of installation strategies to install next-generation offshore wind turbine generator components
Feedering vs. Shuttling, an efficient installation process for the future
Climate change is triggering among others a larger demand for offshore wind energy. This leads to new developments of which larger next-generation Wind Turbine Generators is the most relevant. These next-generation WTGs create problems for the carrying capacity of current-day ins
Offshore Solar to Hydrogen System, Located North of Crete, Greece
A techno-economic assessment
The energy transition, is one of the most important topics nowadays. Renewable energy sources contribution in the energy mix is growing rapidly. However, due to their intermittent power output, they cannot ensure system security and stability, and therefore, energy storage techno
Hydroelastic wave deformation of Very Flexible Floating Structures
A performance study of a monolithic finite element model
At the moment, the world is at the verge of an energy transition. One of the most promising green resources is solar energy, which is a rapidly growing market. However, to fully use its potential of economy of scale, the application of offshore floating solar should be explored.
Feed forward control of U anti-roll tanks
Research on the effect of using a wave prediction system for the control of an active U anti-roll tank on the workability of an SOV operating at zero speed
Within this thesis an attempt is made to improve the seakeeping of a Service Operation Vessel (SOV) by means of an active anti-roll tank (ART). It is researched if the addition of a wave prediction system can improve the ART’s performance. As the seakeeping of the SOV is most imp
Mild-Slope Wave Modelling for Dynamic Mooring Analyses
An exploratory study into an efficient alternative to the wave penetration model
Moored vessels in harbours around the world are affected by waves penetrating into the port basin. Hydraulic conditions can lead to severe vessel motions that influence the (un)loading efficiency and can even lead to the failure of fenders and mooring lines, creating unsafe situa
Offshore solar power installations can be increased in size and efficiency compared to land based installations due to the availability of space and the cooling effect of water. To increase survivability in large waves, very large floating solar platforms can be made flexible.
Ventilation events are the result of masses of air being transported from the water surface along the hull, through the propeller plane. Previous research in literature has shown that ventilation induces large and sudden variations of the load on the propeller. The response of th
Essentials in Coupled Dynamics of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
A research on simplified modelling of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine
At the moment, offshore wind is an indispensable source of energy. Compared to onshore wind, wind speeds offshore are considerably higher and more constant. Furthermore, offshore wind turbines reduce noise and visual impacts. In contrast to fixed bottom foundations, floating wind
This thesis investigated the possibility of alternative ways to loading and offloading flexlay vessels and provides a concept design. This was investigated because currently, the vessels designed by IHC, have to sail back to port to restock on pipes. During this time the expensiv