M. Gonçalves
11 records found
CreatOrg Workshop - From Doubt to Drive
A Reflective Journey to Unleash Creative Confidence by Illuminating the Creative Cultural Values in Your Organisation
Creativity is becoming increasingly essential in today’s workplaces and organisations. However, though everyone is believed to be creative, not everyone feels confident enough to express their creative ideas. The organisational culture plays a remarkable role in shaping the creat
The average working adult in the Netherlands spends about 42,5 years of their lifetime at work. To make this experience as pleasant as possible, employees spend time finding an organization that can provide a good fit and support their needs. Many organization play into that by p
The current form of our democracy is not inclusive. Therefore, local governments try to enable political participation (Slingerland et al., 2020). Political participatory forms do not seem to have a great impact on policy, despite positive intentions (Edens & Klabbers, 2019).
Shifting perspectives
Applying systemic design to strategise long-term impact for parents of children with special needs
This graduation project was in cooperation with Ontzorghuis, a Dutch charity that is focused on supporting the parents of children with special needs (CSN). It is crucial that CSN parents receive extra support, especially in the early stages when the child's diagnosis is still un
New approaches to overcome complex societal problems of today are the need of the hour, especially to enable the transition to a sustainable future (Concilio & Tosoni, 2019). Here, social innovations present new ways to tackle global problems on a local scale; that when put t
The role of data in the strategic design field is unquestionable and essential, being a catalyst for creativity and decision making. Design teams gather large amounts of data at the beginning of projects, to understand how the context of the problem looks like and how they can ge
This thesis is the result of a graduation project that researched the field of Visual Thinking and facilitation in collaboration with Flatland Agency. Flatland is a design consultancy that facilitates co-creation sessions to overcome complexity in groups. Flatland has existed for
Not so big: Making data less overwhelming for designers
The development of a tool for novice designers to deal with big data without overwhelmingness feeling
From the internet to the sensors in wearable devices, people leave their digital traces behind both online and offline. Data is getting ubiquitous and cheap. Some new fields, like business intelligence, are recognized and emerging. As a trustworthy and precise material, data is a
Participation for a people–centered Delft
Enabling the municipality of Delft to design people–centered cities with the local communities using participatory approaches
This graduation project is a collaboration between the Inclusive City Hub (part of Delft Design Labs) and the Gemeente Delft. This project focuses on the topic of participation for creating people–centered cities. The initial problem definition of the project was to understand ho
Redesigning Routines
A visual thinking service for Ink Strategy to activate organisational change
Organisations need to go through continuous change in order to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage. This change is often expressed in a vision which should engage and involve all stakeholders. However, implementing change successfully turns out to be a challenge since tw
More and more people are flying. The industry increases at a rate of 5% per year and is predicted to keep on doing so for the next 10 years (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, n.d.). In order to offer their customers more destinations to travel to, an increasing number of air