A. Saha
2 records found
Environmental sustainability is a major concern for urban and rural development. Actors and stakeholders need economic, effective and efficient simulations in order to predict and evaluate the impact of development on the environment and the constraints that the environment imposes on development. Numerical simulation models are usually computation expensive and require expert knowledge. We consider the problem of hydrological modelling and simulation. With a training set consisting of pairs of inputs and outputs from an off-the-shelves simulator, We show that a neural network can learn a surrogate model effectively and efficiently and thus can be used as a surrogate simulation model. Moreover, we argue that the neural network model, although trained on some example terrains, is generally capable of simulating terrains of different sizes and spatial characteristics.
@enCommissioning studies of the CMS hadron calorimeter have identified sporadic uncharacteristic noise and a small number of malfunctioning calorimeter channels. Algorithms have been developed to identify and address these problems in the data. The methods have been tested on cosmic ray muon data, calorimeter noise data, and single beam data collected with CMS in 2008. The noise rejection algorithms can be applied to LHC collision data at the trigger level or in the offline analysis. The application of the algorithms at the trigger level is shown to remove 90% of noise events with fake missing transverse energy above 100 GeV, which is sufficient for the CMS physics trigger operation.