Z. Wang

5 records found

Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) are increasingly being used in various scientific disciplines. However, dealing with non-stationary physical processes remains a significant challenge in such models, whereas fluid motions are typically non-stationary. In this study, a PIN ...

Data Assimilation in High Dimensional Systems Using Local Particle Filters

Overcoming the curse of dimensionality in hydrology

This dissertation's ultimate goal is to provide solutions to two problems that the promising data assimilation method, called the Particle Filter, has when applied to high dimensional non-linear models, such as those often used in hydrological research and forecasting. Two local ...
Particle filters are non-Gaussian filters, which means that the assumption that the error distribution of the ensemble should be Gaussian is unnecessary. Like the ensemble Kalman filter, particle filters are based on the Monte Carlo approximation to represent the distribution of ...
In data assimilation(DA), various types of observations can be assimilated. Highly nonlinear observation operators are very common in geoscience, which goes against the linear and Gaussian assumptions of the Kalman filter. Particle filters are promising and possible solutions to ...
Particle filtering is a nonlinear and non-Gaussian dynamical filtering system. It has found widespread applications in hydrological data assimilation. In order to solve the loss of particle diversity exiting in resampling process of particle filter, this research proposes an impr ...