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Gabriel D. Weymouth

73 records found

The hydrodynamic influence of surface texture on static surfaces ranges from large drag penalties (roughness) to potential performance benefits (shark-like skin). Although it is of wide-ranging research interest, the impact of roughness on flapping systems has received limited at ...
Simulating forced time-periodic flows in industrial applications presents significant computational challenges, partly due to the need to overcome costly transients before achieving time-periodicity. Reduced-order modelling emerges as a promising method to speed-up computations. ...
Bats fly using significantly different wing motions from other fliers, stemming from the complex interplay of their membrane wings’ motion and structural properties. Biological studies show that many bats fly at Strouhal numbers, the ratio of flapping to flight speed, 50–150% abo ...
This paper presents a general and robust method for the fluid-structure interaction of membranes and shells undergoing large displacement and large added-mass effects by coupling an immersed-boundary method with a shell finite-element model. The immersed boundary method can accur ...
This study examines the effects of surface topography on the flow and performance of a self-propelled swimming (SPS) body. We consider a thin flat plate with an egg-carton roughness texture undergoing prescribed undulatory swimming kinematics at Strouhal number and tail amplitude ...
In this work, we describe the impact of aspect ratio on the performance of optimally phased, identical flapping flippers in a tandem configuration. Three-dimensional simulations are performed for seven sets of single and tandem finite foils at a moderate Reynolds number, with thr ...
Accurate modelling of the performance of a yacht in varying environmental conditions can significantly improve a yachts performance. However, a racing yacht is a highly complex multiphysics system meaning that real-time performance prediction tools are always semi-empirical, leav ...
Immersed boundary methods are extensively used for simulations of dynamic solid objects interacting with fluids due to their computational efficiency and modeling flexibility compared to body-fitted grid methods. However, thin geometries, such as shells and membranes, cause a vio ...
The optimal stiffness for soft swimming robots depends on swimming speed, which means no single stiffness can maximise efficiency in all swimming conditions. Tunable-stiffness would produce an increased range of high-efficiency swimming speeds for robots with flexible propulsors ...
Pressure projection is the single most computationally expensive step in an unsteady incompressible fluid simulation. This work demonstrates the ability of data-driven methods to accelerate the approximate solution of the Poisson equation at the heart of pressure projection. Geom ...
The importance of the leading-edge sweep angle of propulsive surfaces used by unsteady swimming and flying animals has been an issue of debate for many years, spurring studies in biology, engineering, and robotics with mixed conclusions. In this work, we provide results from thre ...
Elasticity has been linked to the remarkable propulsive efficiency of pulse-jet animals such as the squid and jellyfish, but reports that quantify the underlying dynamics or demonstrate its application in robotic systems are rare. This work identifies the pulse-jet propulsion mod ...
Simulations of turbulent fluid flow around long cylindrical structures are computationally expensive because of the vast range of length scales, requiring simplifications such as dimensional reduction. Current dimensionality reduction techniques such as strip-theory and depth-ave ...
This technical note presents a simplified method for quantifying the added mass of the soil that is mobilised as part of the failure mechanism around a foundation during rapid loading, and the resulting additional soil resistance. This note focuses on the solutions for an embedde ...
Flapping flight and swimming are increasingly studied due to both their intrinsic scientific richness and their applicability to novel robotic systems. Strip theory is often applied to flapping wings, but such modeling is only rigorously applicable in the limit of infinite aspect ...

On the concept of energized mass

A robust framework for low-order force modeling in flow past accelerating bodies

The concept of added (virtual) mass is applied to a vast array of unsteady fluid-flow problems; however, its origins in potential-flow theory may limit its usefulness in separated flows. A robust framework for modeling instantaneous fluid forces is proposed, named Energized Mass. ...
Propulsive flapping foils are widely studied in the development of swimming and flying animal-like autonomous systems. Numerical studies in this topic are mainly two-dimensional (2-D) studies, as they are quicker and cheaper, but this inhibits the three-dimensional (3-D) evolutio ...
A machine-learning based closure is explored for the prediction of the turbulent wake of flow past a circular cylinder at a high Reynolds number. We show that classic turbulence closures based on the turbulent-viscosity hypothesis are not capable of modelling the non-linear relat ...
It remains unclear to what extent inviscid added-mass theory accounts for the forces exerted on an accelerating body subjected to separated flow. In this study, reactant forces and velocity-field data are systematically acquired using experimental measurements and simulations of ...
The Energized-Mass approach [1] offers a simple and robust framework for modeling forces in separated flow, requiring only kinematics, Reynolds-number, and geometry-based inputs. To this end, an energized-mass-based force model has been developed to describe the force response of ...