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E. Revtova
Academic Work (11)
Conference paper (5)
Journal article (6)
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11 records found
Water storage variations of the Yangtze, yellow, and Zhujiang River basiss derived from the DEOS Mass Transport (DTM-1) model
Journal article (2010) -
Q Zhao (author)
Q Zhao (author)
X.L. Liu (author)
XL Liu (author)
P.G. Ditmar (author)
PG Ditmar (author)
Pavel G. Ditmar (author)
P. G. Ditmar (author)
Pavel Ditmar (author)
Christian Siemes (author)
C Siemes (author)
C. Siemes (author)
E Revtova (author)
E. Revtova (author)
H. Farahani (author)
Hassan Hashemi Farahani (author)
Hassan Hashemi Hashemi Farahani (author)
H. Hashemi Farahani (author)
R. Klees (author)
R Klees (author)
Roland Klees (author)
Regular gravity field variations and mass transport in the earth sytem from DEOS models based on GRACE satellite data
Conference paper (2010) -
Pavel G. Ditmar (author)
PG Ditmar (author)
P.G. Ditmar (author)
P. G. Ditmar (author)
Pavel Ditmar (author)
XL Liu (author)
X.L. Liu (author)
Roland Klees (author)
R. Klees (author)
R Klees (author)
E Revtova (author)
E. Revtova (author)
LLA Vermeersen (author)
Bert L. Vermeersen (author)
Bert Vermeersen (author)
L.L.A. Vermeersen (author)
Bert L.A. Vermeersen (author)
L. L.A. Vermeersen (author)
L. L A Vermeersen (author)
R. Riva (author)
E. M.Riccardo Riva (author)
R. E.M. Riva (author)
Riccardo Riva (author)
Riccardo E.M. Riva (author)
R.E.M. Riva (author)
REM Riva (author)
R Riva (author)
C Siemes (author)
C. Siemes (author)
Christian Siemes (author)
Q Zhao (author)
Q Zhao (author)
Water Storage in Africa from Optimised GRACE Monthly Models: Iterative Approach
Conference paper (2010) -
E Revtova (author)
E. Revtova (author)
Roland Klees (author)
R. Klees (author)
R Klees (author)
P.G. Ditmar (author)
P. G. Ditmar (author)
PG Ditmar (author)
Pavel Ditmar (author)
Pavel G. Ditmar (author)
Hessel Winsemius (author)
C. Hessel Winsemius (author)
H. C. Winsemius (author)
HC Winsemius (author)
H.C. Winsemius (author)
H. Winsemius (author)
Hessel H.C. Winsemius (author)
Hessel C. Winsemius (author)
Hubert Savenije (author)
HHG Savenije (author)
H.H.G. Savenije (author)
Hubert H G Savenije (author)
Huub Savenije (author)
H. H. G. Savenije (author)
Hubert H.G. Savenije (author)
H. Savenije (author)
Hubert H. G. Savenije (author)
DEOS mass transport model (DMT-1) based on GRACE satellite data: methodology and validation
Journal article (2010) -
XL Liu (author)
X.L. Liu (author)
P. G. Ditmar (author)
P.G. Ditmar (author)
Pavel G. Ditmar (author)
PG Ditmar (author)
Pavel Ditmar (author)
C. Siemes (author)
Christian Siemes (author)
C Siemes (author)
Dirk Cornelis Slobbe (author)
C. Slobbe (author)
D. C. Slobbe (author)
D.Cornelis Slobbe (author)
Cornelis D. Slobbe (author)
D.C. Slobbe (author)
D. Cornelis Slobbe (author)
Cornelis Slobbe (author)
E. Revtova (author)
E Revtova (author)
R. Klees (author)
R Klees (author)
Roland Klees (author)
R Riva (author)
Riccardo Riva (author)
R. Riva (author)
Riccardo E.M. Riva (author)
E. M.Riccardo Riva (author)
R. E.M. Riva (author)
REM Riva (author)
R.E.M. Riva (author)
Q Zhao (author)
Q Zhao (author)
A comparison of global and regional GRACE models for land hydrology
Journal article (2009) -
R Klees (author)
Roland Klees (author)
R. Klees (author)
X.L. Liu (author)
XL Liu (author)
TF Wittwer (author)
TF Wittwer (author)
BC Gunter (author)
B.C. Gunter (author)
B. C. Gunter (author)
Brian Gunter (author)
Brian C. Gunter (author)
E Revtova (author)
E. Revtova (author)
R Tenzer (author)
R Tenzer (author)
Pavel G. Ditmar (author)
PG Ditmar (author)
P. G. Ditmar (author)
Pavel Ditmar (author)
P.G. Ditmar (author)
P Winsemius (author)
H. H. G. Savenije (author)
Hubert H G Savenije (author)
Hubert H. G. Savenije (author)
Hubert H.G. Savenije (author)
Hubert Savenije (author)
Huub Savenije (author)
H. Savenije (author)
HHG Savenije (author)
H.H.G. Savenije (author)
A comparison of regional and global GRACE models for land hydrology
Journal article (2008) -
Roland Klees (author)
R Klees (author)
R. Klees (author)
XL Liu (author)
X.L. Liu (author)
TF Wittwer (author)
TF Wittwer (author)
B. C. Gunter (author)
BC Gunter (author)
Brian C. Gunter (author)
Brian Gunter (author)
B.C. Gunter (author)
Pavel G. Ditmar (author)
Pavel Ditmar (author)
PG Ditmar (author)
P.G. Ditmar (author)
P. G. Ditmar (author)
R Tenzer (author)
R Tenzer (author)
E Revtova (author)
E. Revtova (author)
Hessel C. Winsemius (author)
HC Winsemius (author)
Hessel Winsemius (author)
H.C. Winsemius (author)
H. C. Winsemius (author)
H. Winsemius (author)
Hessel H.C. Winsemius (author)
C. Hessel Winsemius (author)
Hubert H. G. Savenije (author)
HHG Savenije (author)
Hubert Savenije (author)
Hubert H G Savenije (author)
H.H.G. Savenije (author)
H. Savenije (author)
H. H. G. Savenije (author)
Huub Savenije (author)
Hubert H.G. Savenije (author)
Filter design for GRACE monthly gravity fields models
Journal article (2008) -
R Klees (author)
R. Klees (author)
Roland Klees (author)
Brian Gunter (author)
B.C. Gunter (author)
B. C. Gunter (author)
BC Gunter (author)
Brian C. Gunter (author)
E Revtova (author)
E. Revtova (author)
P.G. Ditmar (author)
Pavel G. Ditmar (author)
Pavel Ditmar (author)
PG Ditmar (author)
P. G. Ditmar (author)
C. Hessel Winsemius (author)
H.C. Winsemius (author)
HC Winsemius (author)
Hessel Winsemius (author)
H. C. Winsemius (author)
Hessel C. Winsemius (author)
Hessel H.C. Winsemius (author)
H. Winsemius (author)
Hubert H. G. Savenije (author)
Hubert H.G. Savenije (author)
HHG Savenije (author)
H.H.G. Savenije (author)
Hubert Savenije (author)
H. H. G. Savenije (author)
H. Savenije (author)
Hubert H G Savenije (author)
Huub Savenije (author)
Influence of hydrology-related temporal aliasing on the quality of monthly models derived from GRACE satellite gravimetric data
Conference paper (2008) -
JG De Teixeira Da Encarnação (author)
JG de Teixeira da Encarnação (author)
João De Teixeira Da Encarnação (author)
J. Encarnação (author)
JG de Teixeira da Encarnacao (author)
J.G. de Teixeira da Encarnacao (author)
J. de Teixeira da Encarnação (author)
João Encanacao de (author)
J. de Teixeira da Encarnacao (author)
J.G. Encarnação (author)
J.G. Encanacao de (author)
JG Encarnação (author)
João Encarnação (author)
J.G. De Teixeira Da Encarnação (author)
João de Teixeira da Encarnacao (author)
J. De Teixeira Da Encarnação (author)
JG Encanacao de (author)
J.G. de Teixeira da Encarnação (author)
João de Teixeira da Encarnação (author)
J. Encanacao de (author)
R. Klees (author)
R Klees (author)
Roland Klees (author)
E Revtova (author)
E. Revtova (author)
Pavel G. Ditmar (author)
Pavel Ditmar (author)
PG Ditmar (author)
P. G. Ditmar (author)
P.G. Ditmar (author)
J Kusche (author)
J Kusche (author)
Regular gravity field variations and mass transport in the Earth system from high-resolution global GRACE models
Conference paper (2008) -
Pavel Ditmar (author)
P. G. Ditmar (author)
P.G. Ditmar (author)
Pavel G. Ditmar (author)
PG Ditmar (author)
R Klees (author)
Roland Klees (author)
R. Klees (author)
E. Revtova (author)
E Revtova (author)
Bert L. Vermeersen (author)
L.L.A. Vermeersen (author)
Bert Vermeersen (author)
L. L.A. Vermeersen (author)
L. L A Vermeersen (author)
Bert L.A. Vermeersen (author)
LLA Vermeersen (author)
Riccardo E.M. Riva (author)
R. E.M. Riva (author)
Riccardo Riva (author)
R.E.M. Riva (author)
R. Riva (author)
E. M.Riccardo Riva (author)
R Riva (author)
REM Riva (author)
Christian Siemes (author)
C. Siemes (author)
C Siemes (author)
Q Zhao (author)
Q Zhao (author)
Water storage in Africa from the optimized GRACE monthly models: iterative approach
Conference paper (2008) -
E Revtova (author)
E. Revtova (author)
Roland Klees (author)
R Klees (author)
R. Klees (author)
Pavel G. Ditmar (author)
P. G. Ditmar (author)
Pavel Ditmar (author)
PG Ditmar (author)
P.G. Ditmar (author)
XL Liu (author)
X.L. Liu (author)
H. Winsemius (author)
HC Winsemius (author)
H. C. Winsemius (author)
H.C. Winsemius (author)
Hessel C. Winsemius (author)
Hessel Winsemius (author)
C. Hessel Winsemius (author)
Hessel H.C. Winsemius (author)
Hubert H G Savenije (author)
Hubert H. G. Savenije (author)
Huub Savenije (author)
H. H. G. Savenije (author)
H. Savenije (author)
HHG Savenije (author)
H.H.G. Savenije (author)
Hubert Savenije (author)
Hubert H.G. Savenije (author)
The design of an optimal filter for monthly GRACE gravity models
Journal article (2008) -
R Klees (author)
Roland Klees (author)
R. Klees (author)
E. Revtova (author)
E Revtova (author)
B.C. Gunter (author)
BC Gunter (author)
B. C. Gunter (author)
Brian Gunter (author)
Brian C. Gunter (author)
Pavel G. Ditmar (author)
P.G. Ditmar (author)
PG Ditmar (author)
P. G. Ditmar (author)
Pavel Ditmar (author)
RJ Oudman (author)
Hessel H.C. Winsemius (author)
H. C. Winsemius (author)
H.C. Winsemius (author)
Hessel Winsemius (author)
HC Winsemius (author)
H. Winsemius (author)
C. Hessel Winsemius (author)
Hessel C. Winsemius (author)
Hubert H.G. Savenije (author)
Hubert H G Savenije (author)
H. Savenije (author)
Huub Savenije (author)
H.H.G. Savenije (author)
Hubert H. G. Savenije (author)
Hubert Savenije (author)
HHG Savenije (author)
H. H. G. Savenije (author)