C. Hong

3 records found

Federated learning is a private-by-design distributed learning paradigm where clients train local models on their own data before a central server aggregates their local updates to compute a global model. Depending on the aggregation method used, the local updates are either the ...

Maverick Matters

Client Contribution and Selection in Federated Learning

Federated learning (FL) enables collaborative learning between parties, called clients, without sharing the original and potentially sensitive data. To ensure fast convergence in the presence of such heterogeneous clients, it is imperative to timely select clients who can effecti ...

Online label aggregation

A variational bayesian approach

Noisy labeled data is more a norm than a rarity for crowd sourced contents. It is effective to distill noise and infer correct labels through aggregating results from crowd workers. To ensure the time relevance and overcome slow responses of workers, online label aggregation is i ...