J. Xu

14 records found

Federated learning is a private-by-design distributed learning paradigm where clients train local models on their own data before a central server aggregates their local updates to compute a global model. Depending on the aggregation method used, the local updates are either the ...
The JCNS has been developing and using in-situ polarized neutron spin filters for many applications. The system used for analysis on MARIA and polarization for TOPAS were completed about 10 years ago with the MARIA system in standard operation for users and the TOPAS system emplo ...
Continuous piecewise affine (PWA) functions arise in many aspects of control. For this kind of function, we propose the minimal conjunctive normal expression (CNE). The CNE can be expressed as the minimum of a collection of terms, each of which is the maximum of a set of affine f ...