Robert Birke
41 records found
Enhancing Global Correlation of Table Synthesis via Fourier Transform
An alternative method for sharing knowledge while complying with strict data access regulations, such as the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is the emergence of synthetic tabular data. Mainstream table synthesizers utilize methodologies derived from Generative
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are typically trained to synthesize data, from images and more recently tabular data, under the assumption of directly accessible training data. While learning image GANs on Federated Learning (FL) and Multi-Discriminator (MD) systems has ju
Learning robust deep models against noisy labels becomes ever critical when today's data is commonly collected from open platforms and subject to adversarial corruption. The information on the label corruption process, i.e., corruption matrix, can greatly enhance the robustness o
Deep neural networks (DNNs) are becoming the core components of many applications running on edge devices, especially for real time image-based analysis. Increasingly, multi-faced knowledge is extracted by executing multiple DNNs inference models, e.g., identifying objects, faces
Tabular data synthesis is an emerging approach to circumvent strict regulations on data privacy while discovering knowledge through big data. Although state-of-the-art AI-based tabular data synthesizers, e.g., table-GAN, CTGAN, TVAE, and CTAB-GAN, are effective at generating synt
Learning from Trusted Data Against (A)symmetric Label Noise
Big Data systems allow collecting massive datasets to feed the data hungry deep learning. Labelling these ever-bigger datasets is increasingly challenging and label errors affect even highly curated sets. This makes robustness to label noise a critical property for weakly-supervi
Fast Inference of Multiple Deep Models
The execution of deep neural network (DNN) inference jobs on edge devices has become increasingly popular. Multiple of such inference models can concurrently analyse the on-device data, e.g. images, to extract valuable insights. Prior art focuses on low-power accelerators, compre
Recovering Noisy Labels
Today's available datasets in the wild, e.g., from social media and open platforms, present tremendous opportunities and challenges for deep learning, as there is a significant portion of tagged images, but often with noisy, i.e. erroneous, labels. Recent studies improve the robu
Responsive Multi-DNN Inference on the Edge
Deep neural networks (DNNs) are becoming the core components of many applications running on edge devices, especially for real time image-based analysis. Increasingly, multi-faced knowledge is extracted via executing multiple DNNs inference models, e.g., identifying objects, face
Online label aggregation
A variational bayesian approach
Noisy labeled data is more a norm than a rarity for crowd sourced contents. It is effective to distill noise and infer correct labels through aggregating results from crowd workers. To ensure the time relevance and overcome slow responses of workers, online label aggregation is i
Classification algorithms have been widely adopted to detect anomalies for various systems, e.g., IoT, cloud and face recognition, under the common assumption that the data source is clean, i.e., features and labels are correctly set. However, data collected from the wild can be
Masa: Responsive Multi-DNN Inference on the Edge
This artifact is a guideline how the Edgecaffe framework, presented in [1], can be used. Edgecaffe is an open-source Deep Neural Network framework for efficient multi-network inference on edge devices. This framework enables the layer by layer execution and fine-grained control d
Pipeline parallelism of hyper and system parameters tuning for deep learning clusters
DNN learning jobs are common in today's clusters due to the advances in AI driven services such as machine translation and image recognition. The most critical phase of these jobs for model performance and learning cost is the tuning of hyperparameters. Existing approaches make u
Reshaping Queries to Trim Latency in Key-Value Stores
It is challenging for key-value data stores to trim user (tail) latency of requests as the workloads are observed to have skewed number of key-value pairs and commonly retrieved via multiget operation, i.e., all keys at the same time. In this paper we present Chisel, a novel clie
Today’s big data clusters based on the MapReduce paradigm are capable of executing analysis jobs with multiple priorities, providing differential latency guarantees. Traces from production systems show that the latency advantage of high-priority jobs comes at the cost of severe l
Classification algorithms have been widely adopted to detect anomalies for various systems, e.g., IoT and cloud, under the common assumption that the data source is clean, i.e., features and labels are correctly set. However, data collected from the field can be unreliable due to
Data is generated with unprecedented speed, due to the flourishing of social media and open platforms. However, due to the lack of scrutinizing, both clean and dirty data are widely spreaded. For instance, there is a significant portion of images tagged with corrupted dirty class
Performance ticket handling is an expensive operation in data centers, where physical boxes host multiple virtual machines (VMs). A large body of tickets arise from resource usage warnings, e.g., CPU and RAM usages that exceed predefined thresholds. The transient nature of CPU an
A common pitfall when hosting applications in today's cloud environments is that virtual servers often experience varying execution speeds due to the interference from co-located virtual servers degrading the tail sojourn times specified in service level agreements. Motivated by