78 records found


Payment channel networks like Bitcoin’s Lightning network are an auspicious approach for realizing high transaction throughput and almost-instant confirmations in blockchain networks. However, the ability to successfully conduct payments in such networks relies on the willingn ...

Current leader election algorithms fail in the presence of Sybil attacks, i.e., one malicious entity inserting many nodes, network dynamics, and restricted knowledge about the graph. However, social overlay networks, i.e., peer-to-peer networks with links corresponding to soci ...
Greedy embeddings on rooted spanning trees are the most promising solution to provide sufficiently scalable routing in dynamic networks with restricted topologies, for instance friend-to-friend overlays such as the Dark Freenet and payment channel networks such as Lightning. Yet, ...

Federated Learning is an emerging distributed collaborative learning paradigm adopted by many of today's applications, e.g., keyboard prediction and object recognition. Its core principle is to learn from large amount of users data while preserving data privacy by design as co ...

Blockchains have the potential to revolutionize markets andservices. However, they currently exhibit high latencies and fail to handletransaction loads comparable to those managed by traditional financialsystems.Layer-twoprotocols, built on top of (layer-one) blockchains,av ...
Nodes in route-restricted overlays have an im-mutable set of neighbors, explicitly specified by their users. Pop-ular examples include payment networks such as the Lightningnetwork as well as social overlays such as the Dark Freenet.Routing algorithms are central to such overlays ...


Consensus-less Security

A truly scalable distributed ledger

Distributed ledger technology was expected to spark a technical revolution similar to the internet revolution. After the release of Bitcoin in 2008, many developments have significantly increased the performance of distributed ledger technology. Nevertheless, the first truly scal ...
The adoption of smart wearable devices has been on the rise over the past few years. These wearables are able to track the user's vital signs, making them valuable for use in the healthcare industry. Sharing this information with the user's healthcare provider has the potential t ...

Grip on Energy

With Blockchain Technology

Switching energy suppliers can be a time consuming process and the manner in which permissions regarding consumer data are stored lacks transparency. To overcome these issues, a solution was proposed in the form of a mandate register. Said register keeps track of which consumer g ...
The Ripple XRP Ledger network hosts a cryptocurrency called XRP which uses the TLS protocol to send messages between nodes. It is crucial that the network is tested against attacks to ensure its security. The Ripple XRP Ledger could be vulnerable to a Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) att ...
Blockchains and cryptocurrencies, like Ripple, are becoming more widely used. Testing the large decentralized systems these technologies on is complex, as the behavior of the system is dependent on many external factors. We will examine the viability of using passive model infere ...

Unsatisfiable core learning for Chuffed

Improving the performance of Chuffed, a Lazy-Clause-Generation solver, by using machine learning to predict unsatisfiable cores

Solving propositional satisfiability (SAT) and constraint programming (CP) instances has been a fundamental part of a wide range of modern applications. For this reason a lot of research went into improving the efficiency of modern SAT and CP solvers. Recently much of this resear ...
The development of blockchain, along with the creation of Bitcoin, opened the road to the first digital currency that is secure against double-spending without the need for a trusted authority or centralized server. The architecture of traditional blockchain structures like the o ...
The Internet of Things is a promising vision which enables trillions of sensor devices to be connected. A common bottleneck for such devices is the energy supply. Using batteries is expensive, it reduces the device lifetime and has a negative impact on the environment. Energy har ...
Payment Channel Networks(PCN) utilize payment channels with an established link capacity between two nodes to route transactions over multiple links to carry out transactions. Such transactions can support a blockchain due to the transactions happening off-chain, i.e., not requir ...


A Sybil-Resistant and Decentralized Marketplace

Fraudulent behavior within online marketplaces is a prominent but unsolved problem. Most marketplace operators try to mitigate this behavior by serving as the central authority. This approach requires user data collection and is not privacy-friendly. In an attempt to build a foun ...


A cyber range for network attack simulations

This report documents the design and implementation of Clusus, a cyber range to provide students with a safe isolated environment to learn about cyber security and computer networks. This Bachelor project was proposed by the TU Delft cyber security group. During a two week resear ...
Imagine being lost in a desert with a bunch of friends, all of a sudden. Survival will be difficult. You will have mirages, distrust among friends and no means to leave landmarks on the sand. Unable to locate yourself, you will have no means to contact people with maps. The best ...
Privacy in the Internet is under attack by governments and companies indiscriminately spying on everyone. The anonymity network Tor is a solution to restore some privacy, however, Tor is slow in both bandwidth and latency. It uses a TCP-based connection to multiplex different cir ...
Blockchains such as the Bitcoin facilitate the online transaction between users without an intermediate financial institution and can serve as a global currency. However, at the moment, blockchain solutions are suffering from low transaction throughput and high delays. For instan ...