Defending Against Free-Riders Attacks in Distributed Generative Adversarial Networks
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Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are increasingly adopted by the industry to synthesize realistic images using competing generator and discriminator neural networks. Due to data not being centrally available, Multi-Discriminator (MD)-GANs training frameworks employ multiple discriminators that have direct access to the real data. Distributedly training a joint GAN model entails the risk of free-riders, i.e., participants that aim to benefit from the common model while only pretending to participate in the training process. In this paper, we first define a free-rider as a participant without training data and then identify three possible actions: not training, training on synthetic data, or using pre-trained models for similar but not identical tasks that are publicly available. We conduct experiments to explore the impact of these three types of free-riders on the ability of MD-GANs to produce images that are indistinguishable from real data. We consequently design a defense against free-riders, termed DFG, which compares the performance of client discriminators to reference discriminators at the server. The defense allows the server to evict clients whose behavior does not match that of a benign client. The result shows that even when 67% of the clients are free-riders, the proposed DFG can improve synthetic image quality by up to 70.96%, compared to the case of no defense.