16 records found

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Local PCN Routing with Redundancy and Fees

Payment channel networks (PCNs) are a promising solution to the blockchain scalability problem. In PCNs, a sender can route a multi-hop payment to a receiver via intermediaries. Yet, Lightning, the only prominent payment channel network, has two major issues when it comes to mult ...

Get Me Out of This Payment! Bailout

An HTLC Re-routing Protocol

The Lightning Network provides almost-instant payments to its parties. In addition to direct payments requiring a shared payment channel, parties can pay each other in the form of multi-hop payments via existing channels. Such multi-hop payments rely on a 2-phase commit protocol ...


Fast and Secure Vertical Federated Learning based on XGBoost for Decentralized Labels

Vertical Federated Learning (VFL) enables multiple clients to collaboratively train a global model over vertically partitioned data without leaking private local information. Tree-based models, like XGBoost and LightGBM, have been widely used in VFL to enhance the interpretation ...

A New Look at Blockchain Leader Election

Simple, Efficient, Sustainable and Post-Quantum

In this work, we study the blockchain leader election problem. The purpose of such protocols is to elect a leader who decides on the next block to be appended to the blockchain, for each block proposal round. Solutions to this problem are vital for the security of blockchain syst ...
Payment channel networks (PCNs) enhance the scalability of block-chains by allowing parties to conduct transactions off-chain, i.e, without broadcasting every transaction to all blockchain participants. To conduct transactions, a sender and a receiver can either establish a d ...
Current permissionless cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin suffer from a limited transaction rate and slow confirmation time, which hinders further adoption. Payment channels are one of the most promising solutions to address these problems, as they allow the parties of the channel ...
Bitcoin is a widely acknowledged digital currency that is designed in a decentralized manner. The recognition of Bitcoin has introduced the notion of cryptocurrencies and, in general, blockchain technology. Blockchain, within less than a decade, has become one of the most excitin ...
Smart contracts can be used for the fair exchange of digital goods. A smart contract can escrow the exchange where the receiver deposits the payment, and the sender claims it by providing the goods. In the case of misbehavior, the parties provide proof on whether the received goo ...
Decentralized and permissionless ledgers offer an inherently low transaction rate, as a result of their consensus protocol demanding the storage of each transaction on-chain. A prominent proposal to tackle this scalability issue is to utilize off-chain protocols, where parties on ...
Payment channel networks like Bitcoin’s Lightning network are an auspicious approach for realizing high transaction throughput and almost-instant confirmations in blockchain networks. However, the ability to successfully conduct payments in such networks relies on the willingness ...
Adaptor signatures, also known as scriptless scripts, have recently become an important tool in addressing the scalability and interoperability issues of blockchain applications such as cryptocurrencies. An adaptor signature extends a digital signature in a way that a complete si ...


A Decentralized, Unlinkable and Privacy-preserving Traceability System for the Supply Chain

Traceability is an increasingly important aspect of the supply chain with several highlights throughout the last few decades. Parties, such as consumers and government agencies, have shown an increase in demand for information regarding their products and materials. Although ther ...


A Fully Incentive Compatible Blockchain Framework Amortizing Redundant Communication

Blockchain technology allows running ordered transactions within an immutable public ledger in a decentralized manner. It consists of two processes: Advertisement where the participants become aware of the new transactions and chain extension where the validated transactions are ...


Authenticated External Data Retrieval from Multiple Sources for Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are applications that are deployed and executed on a blockchain's decentralised infrastructure. Many smart contract applications rely on data that resides outside the blockchain. However, while traditional web applications can communicate with trustworthy data sou ...
Existing permissionless blockchain solutions rely on peer-to-peer propagation mechanisms, where nodes in a network transfer transaction they received to their neighbors. Unfortunately, there is no explicit incentive for such transaction propagation. Therefore, existing propagatio ...


A Transparent, Decentralized Traceability System for the Supply Chain

Traceability has become an increasingly important aspect of the supply chain in the last few years due to customer awareness as well as better planning and problem identification. Unfortunately, technological, legal, and organizational concerns limit the possibility to utilize a ...