16 records found


Federated Learning (FL) is a revolutionary approach to machine learning that enables collaborative model training among multiple parties without exposing sensitive data. Introduced by Google in 2016, FL taps into the wealth of data generated by edge devices while prioritizing ...


Fast and Secure Vertical Federated Learning based on XGBoost for Decentralized Labels

Vertical Federated Learning (VFL) enables multiple clients to collaboratively train a global model over vertically partitioned data without leaking private local information. Tree-based models, like XGBoost and LightGBM, have been widely used in VFL to enhance the interpretati ...

Federated Learning (FL) is a beneficial decentralized learning approach for preserving the privacy of local datasets of distributed agents. However, the distributed property of FL and untrustworthy data introducing the vulnerability to backdoor attacks. In this attack scenario ...


Privacy-Preserving Vertical Federated Learning Over Distributed Labels

Federated learning (FL) is an emerging privacy preserving machine learning protocol that allows multiple devices to collaboratively train a shared global model without revealing their private local data. Nonparametric models like gradient boosting decision trees (GBDTs) have b ...

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are a class of deep learning-based methods for processing graph domain information. GNNs have recently become a widely used graph analysis method due to their superior ability to learn representations for complex graph data. Due to privacy concerns an ...

Your Smart Contracts Are Not Secure

Investigating Arbitrageurs and Oracle Manipulators in Ethereum

Smart contracts on Ethereum enable billions of dollars to be transacted in a decentralized, transparent and trustless environment. However, adversaries lie await in the Dark Forest, waiting to exploit any and all smart contract vulnerabilities in order to extract profits from ...

Homomorphic encryption is a very useful gradient protection technique used in privacy preserving federated learning. However, existing encrypted federated learning systems need a trusted third party to generate and distribute key pairs to connected participants, making them unsui ...


Federated learning (FL), although a major privacy improvement over centralized learning, is still vulnerable to privacy leaks. The research presented in this paper provides an analysis of the threats to FL Generative Adversarial Networks. Furthermore, an implementation is provide ...
Federated learning is an emerging concept in the domain of distributed machine learning. This concept has enabled GANs to benefit from the rich distributed training data while preserving privacy However,in a non-iid setting, current federated GAN architectures are unstable, strug ...
A Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is a deep-learning generative model in the field of Ma- chine Learning (ML) that involves training two Neural Networks (NN) using a sizable data set. In certain fields, such as medicine, the data involved in training may be hospital patient ...
Machine learning has been applied to almost all fields of computer science over the past decades. The introduction of GANs allowed for new possibilities in fields of medical research and text prediction. However, these new fields work with ever more privacy-sensitive data. In ord ...
Privacy in today's world is a very important topic and all the more important when sizeable amounts of data are needed in Neural Network processing models. Federated Learning is a technique which aims to decentralize the training process in order to allow the clients to maintain ...
Federated Learning (FL)[1] is a type of distributed machine learning that allows the owners of the training data to preserve their privacy while still be- ing able to collectively train a model. FL is a new area in research and several chal- lenges reagarding privacy and communic ...
Federated learning is a machine learning technique proposed by Google AI in 2016, as a solution to the GDPR regulations that made the classical Centralized Training, not only unfeasible, but also illegal, in some cases. In spite of its potential, FL has not gained much trust in t ...
Federated Learning starts to give a new perspective regarding the applicability of machine learning in real-life scenarios. Its main goal is to train the model while keeping the participants' data in their devices, thus guaranteeing the privacy of their data. One of the main arch ...
Federated learning (FL) is a new paradigm that allows several parties to train a model together without sharing their proprietary data. This paper investigates vertical federated learning, which addresses scenarios in which collaborating organizations own data from the same set o ...