M.P. de Haas
56 records found
FluoroTome 1
An apparatus for tomographic imaging of radio-fluorogenic (RFG) gels
Radio-fluorogenic (RFG) gels become permanently fluorescent when exposed to high-energy radiation with the intensity of the emission proportional to the local dose of radiation absorbed. An apparatus is described, FluoroTome 1, that is capable of taking a series of tomographic im
We review the development and application of an organic polymer-gel capable of producing fixed, three-dimensional fluorescent images of complex radiation fields. The gel consists for more than 99% of γ-ray-polymerized (~15% conversion) tertiary-butyl acrylate (TBA) containing ~10
In this work a 40 mm cube of an optically clear, radio-fluorogenic gel composed of partially-polymerized tertiary-butyl acrylate and maleimido-pyrene (~0.01%) is irradiated with orthogonally-crossed, 10 mm square and round, 200 kVp x-ray beams. A thin sheet of UV light is produce