
J.S. van Dokkum

11 records found

The Maugis analysis is applied to adhesive contact between a cylinder with various wave profiles and a semi-infinite, elastic half-plane. We extend the analysis of Waters, Lee and Guduru, who consider the adhesive contact of a Hertzian indenter on a semi-infinite, elastic half-sp ...

Inelastic Deformation in Metals and Contacts

Comprehensive Treatises on Yielding and Hardening, the Yield Phenomenon and Dissipation

Inelastic deformation is a common but often neglected phenomenon in experimental analysis of metal deformation and in contacts. This neglect leads to degraded measurement accuracy of material properties. Therefore a need arises for material models that a priori incorporate inelas ...
Viscoelasticity and roughness are among the possible causes of the adhesive hysteresis displayed by soft contacts. Viscoelasticity causes an increased effective work of adhesion due to stiffening of the contact, while roughness is responsible for elastic instabilities. Herein, we ...

Static Unified Inelastic Model

Pre- and post-yield dislocation-mediated deformation

Modelling dislocation glide over the initial part of a stress–strain curve of metals received little attention up to now. However, dislocation glide is essential to ones understanding of the fundamental relationship between inelastic deformation and the evolution of the dislocati ...
The volume increase and shape change during austenite to martensite transformation in dual-phase (DP) steels are largely accommodated in the microstructure by the deformation of the surrounding ferrite matrix. Accurate estimation of transformation-induced deformation of ferrite v ...
Predicting microstructure and (micro-)texture evolution during thermo-mechanical processing requires the combined simulation of plastic deformation and recrystallization. Here, a simulation approach based on the coupling of a full-field dislocation density based crystal plasticit ...
Intricate knowledge of dislocation networks in metals has proven paramount in understanding the constitutive behaviour of these materials but current experimental methods yield limited information on the characteristics of these networks. Recently, the isotropic anelastic respons ...
The retraction of a cylindrical rigid indenter from a viscoelastic substrate is studied by means of an efficient Green's function method. Hysteresis is observed in the load to area relationship in accordance with experimental results. Although our model relaxes many assumptions p ...
It is well established that, at small loads, a linear relation exists between contact area and reduced pressure for elastic bodies with non-adhesive rough surfaces. In the case of adhesive contacts, however, there is not yet a general consensus on whether or not linearity still h ...
The contact mechanical response of various polymers is controlled by the viscoelastic behavior of their bulk and the adhesive properties of their interface. Due to the interplay between viscoelasticity and adhesion it is difficult to predict the contact response, even more when s ...
The relative contact area of rough surface contacts is known to increase linearly with reduced pressure, with proportionality factor κ. In its common definition, the reduced pressure contains the root-mean-square gradient (RMSG) of the surface. Although easy to measure, the RMSG ...