M. Li
16 records found
Leading-edge protuberances on airfoils have been shown to soften the onset of aerodynamic stall and to increase lift in the post-stall regime. The present study examines the effect of tubercles during dynamic stall. Pitching airfoils with tubercles of different amplitudes are stu
We experimentally investigate the evaporation of very volatile liquid droplets (Novec 7000 Engineered Fluid, chemical name hydrofluoroethers HFE-7000) in a turbulent spray. Droplets with diameters of the order of a few micrometres are produced by a spray nozzle and then injected
We investigate the underlying physics behind the change in amplitude modulation coefficient in noncanonical wall-bounded flows in the framework of the inner-outer interaction model (IOIM) [Baars, Phys. Rev. Fluids 1, 054406 (2016)2469-990X10.1103/PhysRevFluids.1.054406]. The IOIM
Towards realistic simulations of human cough
Effect of droplet emission duration and spread angle
Human respiratory events, such as coughing and sneezing, play an important role in the host-to-host airborne transmission of diseases. Thus, there has been a substantial effort in understanding these processes: various analytical or numerical models have been developed to describ
Enhancing work hardening and ductility in additively manufactured β Ti
Roles played by grain orientation, morphology and substructure
A metastable β Ti alloy was additively manufactured by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF). Tensile testing along the build direction of the as-LPBF material (LPBF-0°) revealed significant work softening immediately following yielding with no uniform deformation. By contrast, substant
In this study, we develop an analytical model to predict the turbulent boundary layer downstream of a step-change in the surface roughness where upstream flow conditions are given. We first revisit the classical model of Elliott (Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, vol. 39, 1958, pp. 1048
The ambient conditions surrounding liquid droplets determine their growth or shrinkage. However, the precise fate of a liquid droplet expelled from a respiratory puff as dictated by its surroundings and the puff itself has not yet been fully quantified. From the view of airborne
Abstract: An automatic particle imaging velocimetry (Auto-PIV) measuring technique was developed based on the external triggering and automatic control technology. Measurements of the DrivAer model wake were performed using Auto-PIV in the spanwise and vertical direction. Three-d
This study presents an experimental dataset documenting the evolution of a turbulent boundary layer downstream of a rough-to-smooth surface transition. To investigate the effect of upstream flow conditions, two groups of experiments are conducted. For the Group-Re cases, a nomina
The intermittent distribution of localized turbulent structures is a key feature of the subcritical transitions in channel flows, which are studied in this paper with a wind channel and theoretical modeling. Entrance disturbances are introduced by small beads, and localized turbu
A ternary hybrid Ti alloy (HYTA) was produced by selective laser melting (SLM), combining all three classes of the titanium system. The hybridisation of the α CP Ti, α-β Ti-64 and β Ti-5553 gave rise to a highly heterogeneous microstructure encompassing all the possible phases an
In this Letter, the velocity structures and the extension behavior of localized turbulent bands in channel flows are measured by particle image velocimetry in a plane parallel to the walls and are analyzed by comparing with direct numerical simulations at low Reynolds numbers. It
This paper examines the recovery of the wall-shear stress of a turbulent boundary layer that has undergone a sudden transition from a rough to a smooth surface. Early work of Antonia & Luxton (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 53, 1972, pp. 737-757) questioned the reliability of standard
The evolution of turbulent boundary layers downstream of a rough-to-smooth transition is investigated at a range of Reynolds numbers. Measurements are performed at friction Reynolds numbers of 4100, 7100, 14000 and 21000 using hotwire anemometry. The wall-shear stress on the smoo
The wake of polygonal cylinders with side number N = 2 ∼ ∞ is systematically studied based on fluid force, hot-wire, particle image velocimetry and flow visualisation measurements. Each cylinder is examined for two orientations, with a flat surface or a corner leading and facing
Wake structures and vortex induced vibration (VIV) of a spring-supported wide-D-section cylinder were experimentally investigated using an X-wire, a novel phase-locked particle image velocimetry (PIV), and an acceleration sensor at a low speed wind tunnel. Compared with the fixed