P. Jousset

18 records found


Ocean-bottom seismometers (OBSs) are equipped with seismic sensors that record acoustic and seismic events at the seafloor, which makes them suitable for investigating tectonic structures capable of generating earthquakes offshore. One critical parameter to obtain accurate earthq ...

Determining clock errors of ocean-bottom seismometers

An ambient-noise based method designed for large-scale ocean bottom deployments

The timing of the recordings of ocean-bottom seismometers (OBSs) is critical for accurate earthquake location and Earth model studies. GNSS signals, however, cannot reach OBSs deployed at the ocean bottom. This prevents their clocks from being synchronized with a known reference ...

In autumn 2017 a network of 14 broadband seismic stations was deployed at the Theistareykir high temperature geothermal field (NE Iceland). This experiment was conducted as part of the current efforts to characterize the field's main structures, and possible short and long ter ...

In volcanic and hydrothermal geosystems, monitoring of mass and stress changes provide information for both volcanic hazardassessment and estimation of geothermal resources. The combined continuous recording of the gravity field and ground motionwith sufficient accuracy in an act ...
Accurate timing of seismic records is essential for almost all applications in seismology. Wrong timing of the waveforms may result in incorrect Earth models and/or inaccurate earthquake locations. As such, it may render interpretations of underground processes incorrect. Ocean b ...

The Reykjanes Geothermal System (RGS) is a high-temperature geothermal system located on the Reykjanes peninsula, a transtensional plate-boundary zone located on the southwestern tip of Iceland. The area is characterized by high seismicity, recent volcanism, and high-temperatu ...

Tomographic imaging based on ambient seismic noise measurements has shown to be a powerful tool, especially in areas like Iceland, where the microseism illumination is excellent. In this paper, we produce a 3D S-wave tomographic image over the western Reykjanes Peninsula high-ent ...
Integration of results from active seismic, passive seismic and well data reduces the uncertainties of several subsurface parameters that are of interest for cost-effective geothermal production operations in Los Humeros. In this study, we present results from the application of ...
Timing errors are a notorious problem in seismic data acquisition and processing. A technique is presented that allows such time shifts to be detected and corrected in a systematic fashion. The methodology relies on virtualsource responses retrieved through the application of sei ...
Tomographic studies based on passive seismic measurements have proven to be a powerful tool to image the subsurface. This especially holds in areas like Iceland, where the microseism coverage arriving from the ocean is excellent. In this study, we apply Ambient Noise Seismic Inte ...
We present tomographic results obtained around geothermal reservoirs using seismic data recorded both on-land Reykjanes, SW-Iceland and offshore along Reykjanes Ridge. We gathered records from a network of 83 seismic stations (including 21 Ocean Bottom Seismometers) deployed betw ...
We present results from the application of ambient noise seismic interferometry (ANSI) to data that were recorded continuously in 2014 and 2015 at Iceland’s peninsula Reykjanes. The objective of this study is the retrieval of reflected body waves (P-waves) that provide high-resol ...
We report on the results obtained from a dense seismic deployment over a geothermal reservoir located on the tip of the Reykjanes peninsula, SW Iceland. The available seismic stations have continuously recorded the ambient-seismic wave field between April 2014 and August 2015. Us ...
We report on the results obtained from a dense seismic deployment over a geothermal reservoir. The reservoir has been producing continuously for almost a decade and is located on the tip of the Reykjanes peninsula, SW Iceland. The seismic stations on top of the reservoir have con ...

Imaging geothermal systems associated with oceanic ridge

First analysis of records from a dense seismic network deployed within and around the Reykjanes high-temperature area, SW-Iceland

Manifestations of supercritical water in magmatic environments have so far only been accessible from analogue outcrops of fossil systems and by simulating pressure/temperature conditions in the laboratory. In order to assess the unknown properties of such reservoirs, scientific d ...


In 2017 the National Power Company in Iceland, Landsvirkjun, started the operation of a geother- mal power plant in Theistareykir (Northeastern Iceland). The plant’s operation requires extraction, circulation, and injection of the geothermal fluids to produce energy. These proces ...