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T Bosse
Academic Work (23)
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Conference paper (9)
Journal article (12)
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23 records found
Agent-based modelling for analysis of resilience in ATM
Conference paper (2013) -
SH Stroeve (author)
T Bosse (author)
Henk A.P. Blom (author)
HAP Blom (author)
Henk Blom (author)
H.A.P. Blom (author)
OA Sharpanskykh (author)
A Sharpanskykh (author)
Alexei Sharpanskykh (author)
OA Sharpans'kykh (author)
Alexei Sharpans'kykh (author)
A Sharpans'kykh (author)
M.H.C. Everdij (author)
Human aspects in ambient intelligence
Book (2013) -
T Bosse (author)
DJ Cook (author)
Mark Neerincx (author)
M.A. Neerincx (author)
Mark A. Neerincx (author)
MA Neerincx (author)
F Sadri (author)
Challenges in computational modeling of affective processes
Journal article (2013) -
DJ Broekens (author)
D.J. Broekens (author)
Joost Broekens (author)
D. Broekens (author)
T Bosse (author)
SC Marsella (author)
Agent-based modelling of social emotional decision making in emergency situations
Book chapter (2013) -
T Bosse (author)
M Hoogendoorn (author)
Mark Klein (author)
M Klein (author)
Alexei Sharpanskykh (author)
A Sharpans'kykh (author)
OA Sharpans'kykh (author)
Alexei Sharpans'kykh (author)
A Sharpanskykh (author)
OA Sharpanskykh (author)
J Treur (author)
J van der Wal (author)
N van Wissen (author)
An ambient agent system assisting humans in complex tasks by analysis of a human's state and performance
Journal article (2013) -
T Bosse (author)
F Both (author)
M. De Vos (author)
M. de Vos (author)
M De Vos (author)
M de Vos (author)
R Duell (author)
M Hoogendoorn (author)
R Lambalgen (author)
MCA Klein (author)
A van der Mee (author)
R Oorburg (author)
Alexei Sharpanskykh (author)
A Sharpanskykh (author)
A Sharpans'kykh (author)
OA Sharpanskykh (author)
OA Sharpans'kykh (author)
Alexei Sharpans'kykh (author)
J Treur (author)
Modelling of potential hazards in agent-based safety risk analysis
Conference paper (2013) -
Henk A.P. Blom (author)
HAP Blom (author)
H.A.P. Blom (author)
Henk Blom (author)
SH Stroeve (author)
T Bosse (author)
An integrated multi-agent model for modelling hazards within Air Ttraffic Management
Conference paper (2013) -
T Bosse (author)
Henk A.P. Blom (author)
Henk Blom (author)
H.A.P. Blom (author)
HAP Blom (author)
SH Stroeve (author)
Alexei Sharpans'kykh (author)
A Sharpanskykh (author)
OA Sharpanskykh (author)
OA Sharpans'kykh (author)
Alexei Sharpanskykh (author)
A Sharpans'kykh (author)
Agent-based modelling of hazards in air traffic management
Conference paper (2012) -
T Bosse (author)
A Sharpanskykh (author)
OA Sharpanskykh (author)
OA Sharpans'kykh (author)
Alexei Sharpans'kykh (author)
A Sharpans'kykh (author)
Alexei Sharpanskykh (author)
J Treur (author)
HAP Blom (author)
H.A.P. Blom (author)
Henk A.P. Blom (author)
Henk Blom (author)
SH Stroeve (author)
Modelling of human performance-related hazards in ATM
Conference paper (2012) -
T Bosse (author)
A Sharpanskykh (author)
OA Sharpanskykh (author)
OA Sharpans'kykh (author)
Alexei Sharpans'kykh (author)
A Sharpans'kykh (author)
Alexei Sharpanskykh (author)
J Treur (author)
HAP Blom (author)
H.A.P. Blom (author)
Henk A.P. Blom (author)
Henk Blom (author)
SH Stroeve (author)
Modelling of human performance-related hazards in ATM
Conference paper (2011) -
T Bosse (author)
Alexei Sharpans'kykh (author)
OA Sharpans'kykh (author)
Alexei Sharpanskykh (author)
A Sharpanskykh (author)
OA Sharpanskykh (author)
A Sharpans'kykh (author)
J Treur (author)
HAP Blom (author)
H.A.P. Blom (author)
Henk A.P. Blom (author)
Henk Blom (author)
SH Stroeve (author)
Improving internet observer reliability by artificial intelligence techniques in behavioural research
Conference paper (2009) -
AJW van Alphen (author)
T Bosse (author)
CM Jonker (author)
C.M. Jonker (author)
Catholijn M. Jonker (author)
Catholijn Jonker (author)
F Koeman (author)
Journal of ambient intelligence and smart environments
Journal article (2009) -
T Bosse (author)
D.P. Callaghan (author)
David P. Callaghan (author)
P Lukowicz (author)
Representation for reciprocal agent-environment interaction
Journal article (2009) -
T Bosse (author)
Catholijn Jonker (author)
CM Jonker (author)
Catholijn M. Jonker (author)
C.M. Jonker (author)
J Treur (author)
Specification and verification of dynamics in agent models
Journal article (2009) -
T Bosse (author)
Catholijn M. Jonker (author)
Catholijn Jonker (author)
CM Jonker (author)
C.M. Jonker (author)
L Meij van der (author)
Alexei Sharpanskykh (author)
Alexei Sharpans'kykh (author)
OA Sharpanskykh (author)
A Sharpanskykh (author)
A Sharpans'kykh (author)
OA Sharpans'kykh (author)
J Treur (author)
Automated formal analysis of human multi-issue negotiation processes
Journal article (2008) -
T Bosse (author)
C.M. Jonker (author)
CM Jonker (author)
Catholijn M. Jonker (author)
Catholijn Jonker (author)
L van der Meij (author)
J Treur (author)
Formalisation of Damasio's theory of emotion, feeling and core consciousness
Journal article (2008) -
T Bosse (author)
Catholijn Jonker (author)
CM Jonker (author)
Catholijn M. Jonker (author)
C.M. Jonker (author)
J Treur (author)
A formal method to analyze human reasoning and interpretation in incident mangement.
Journal article (2008) -
T Bosse (author)
M Hoogendoorn (author)
C.M. Jonker (author)
CM Jonker (author)
Catholijn M. Jonker (author)
Catholijn Jonker (author)
J Treur (author)
A formal empirical analysis method for human reasoning and interpretation
Conference paper (2007) -
T Bosse (author)
M Hoogendoorn (author)
C.M. Jonker (author)
CM Jonker (author)
Catholijn M. Jonker (author)
Catholijn Jonker (author)
J Treur (author)
On the use of organisation modelling techniques to address biologica organisation.
Journal article (2007) -
T Bosse (author)
Catholijn Jonker (author)
CM Jonker (author)
Catholijn M. Jonker (author)
C.M. Jonker (author)
J Treur (author)
A language and environment for analysis of dynamics by simulation.
Journal article (2007) -
T Bosse (author)
C.M. Jonker (author)
CM Jonker (author)
Catholijn M. Jonker (author)
Catholijn Jonker (author)
L van der Meij (author)
J Treur (author)