O.A. Sharpans'kykh

67 records found

The development of liquid hydrogen storage systems is a key aspect to enable future clean air transportation. However, safety analysis research for such systems is still limited and is hindered by the limited experience with liquid hydrogen storage in aviation. This paper present ...
Both EASA and SESAR JU define a vision and roadmap towards an autonomous air traffic management system. Furthermore, past and ongoing SESAR JU projects investigate how to increase the efficiency and predictability of current operations by means of automation. In this paper, we ex ...
Background: Increased maritime trade has led to a surge in drayage operations, causing congestion and environmental issues in port areas. Truck Appointment Systems (TASs) are commonly used to manage truck arrival rates, yet transparency and equity in slot allocation remain proble ...
The aviation industry has set an ambitious goal of reducing its climate impacts. Accordingly, airlines must balance their plans according to this goal with financial considerations. We developed a multi-objective framework to facilitate climate-aware network design by incorporati ...
Airport terminals are complex sociotechnical systems, in which humans interact with diverse technical systems. A natural way to represent them is through agent-based modeling. However, this method has two drawbacks: it entails a heavy computational burden and the emergent propert ...
Inspired by the vision of fully autonomous airside operations at Schiphol airport, this study aims to contribute to the short-term goal of automated aircraft ground handling. In this research, we design and evaluate a multi-agent system for planning of automated ground handling. ...
The airport terminals are complex sociotechnical systems, which are difficult to understand and their behavior is hard to predict. Hence, an agent-based model, the Agent-based Airport Terminal Operation Model (AATOM), has been designed to represent and analyze diverse airport ter ...
Both EASA and SESAR JU define a vision and roadmap towards an autonomous air traffic management system. Furthermore, past and ongoing SESAR JU projects investigate how to increase the efficiency and predictability of current operations by means of automation. In this paper, we ex ...
Accessibility is one of the key performance indicators in the evaluation of a multimodal transport system and, as a result, transport planning has become increasingly more oriented towards it. Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) services have been proposed as a measure for increasi ...
Designing agent-based models is a difficult task. Some guidelines exist to aid modelers in designing their models, but they generally do not include specific details on how the behavior of agents can be defined. This paper therefore proposes the AbCDe methodology, which uses caus ...

Demo Paper

A Tool for Analyzing COVID-19-Related Measurements Using Agent-Based Support Simulator for Airport Terminal Operations

This paper presents a demonstration of our PAAMS 2021 paper using data-driven analysis of airport terminal operations and An Agent-based Airport Terminal Operations Model Simulator (AATOM). The goal of this paper is to demonstrate and analyze the impact of the current COVID-19 an ...
Resilience is commonly understood as the capacity for a system to maintain a desirable state while undergoing adversity or to return to a desirable state as quickly as possible after being impacted. In this paper, we focus on resilience for complex sociotechnical systems (STS), s ...
Discretionary activities such as retail, food, and beverages generate a significant amount of non-aeronautical revenue within the aviation industry. However, they are rarely taken into account in computational airport terminal models. Since discretionary activities affect passeng ...
This paper proposes and evaluates a new airline disruption management strategy using multi-agent system modelling, simulation, and verification. This new strategy is based on a multi-agent negotiation protocol and is compared with three airline strategies based on established ind ...
The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on the aviation industry, with a reduction in passenger demand never seen before. To minimize the spread of the virus and to gain trust from the public in the airport operations’ safety, airports implemented measures, e. ...
Motivated by the need to understand and further optimize AOC decision making processes under uncertainty, this paper implements and evaluates the effects of operational uncertainties using Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation. The specific application concerns a challenging scena ...
Airport security checkpoints are the most important bottleneck in airport operations, but few studies aim to empirically understand them better. In this work we address this lack of data-driven quantitative analysis and insights about the security checkpoint process. To this end, ...
Despite enormous investments in airport security, terrorists have been able to find and exploit vulnerabilities at security checkpoints. Existing vulnerability assessment methodologies struggle with accounting for human behavior, and agent-based modelling forms a promising techni ...
Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) is growing rapidly around the world. Very different types of UAS are used for applications such as aerial photography, inspection, emergency and Urban Air Mobility (UAM), operating in low altitude and urban environment, as well as in high al ...
Airports are attractive targets for terrorists, as they are designed to accommodate and process large amounts of people, resulting in a high concentration of potential victims. A popular method to mitigate the risk of terrorist attacks is through security patrols, but resources a ...