Yu Liu

4 records found

Metamaterials engineered to host topological states of matter in controllable quantum systems hold promise for the advancement of quantum simulations and quantum computing technologies. In this context, the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model has gained prominence due to its simplic ...
We present a report on hybrid InSb-Pb nanowires that combine high spin-orbit coupling with a high critical field and a large superconducting gap. Material characterization indicates the Pb layer of high crystal quality on the nanowire side facets. Hard induced superconducting gap ...
Cooper pair splitters hold utility as a platform for investigating the entanglement of electrons in Cooper pairs, but probing splitters with voltage-biased Ohmic contacts prevents the retention of electrons from split pairs since they can escape to the drain reservoirs. We report ...
We use a hybrid superconductor-semiconductor transmon device to perform spectroscopy of a quantum dot Josephson junction tuned to be in a spin-1/2 ground state with an unpaired quasiparticle. Because of spin-orbit coupling, we resolve two flux-sensitive branches in the transmon s ...