Bernard Van Heck

3 records found


We use a hybrid superconductor-semiconductor transmon device to perform spectroscopy of a quantum dot Josephson junction tuned to be in a spin-1/2 ground state with an unpaired quasiparticle. Because of spin-orbit coupling, we resolve two flux-sensitive branches in the transmo ...

Spin qubits in semiconductors are a promising platform for producing highly scalable quantum computing devices. However, it is difficult to realize multiqubit interactions over extended distances. Superconducting spin qubits provide an alternative by encoding a qubit in the sp ...

The superconducting proximity effect in semiconductor nanowires has recently enabled the study of new superconducting architectures, such as gate-tunable superconducting qubits and multiterminal Josephson junctions. As opposed to their metallic counterparts, the electron densi ...