L. Glazman
5 records found
The energy levels of a quasicontinuous spectrum in mesoscopic systems fluctuate in positions and the distribution of the fluctuations reveals information about the microscopic nature of the structure under consideration. Here, we investigate mesoscopic fluctuations of a secondary
We find the admittance of a Josephson junction at or near a topological transition. The dependence of the admittance on frequency and temperature at the critical point is universal and determined by the symmetries of the system. Despite the absence of a spectral gap at the transi
A semiconducting nanowire proximitized by an s-wave superconductor can be tuned into a topological state by an applied magnetic field. This quantum phase transition is marked by the emergence of Majorana zero modes at the ends of the wire. The fusion of Majorana modes at a juncti
We develop a unified numerical approach for modeling semiconductor-superconductor heterostructures. All the key physical ingredients of these systems - orbital effect of magnetic field, superconducting proximity effect, and electrostatic environment - are taken into account on eq
The superconducting proximity effect in semiconductor nanowires has recently enabled the study of new superconducting architectures, such as gate-tunable superconducting qubits and multiterminal Josephson junctions. As opposed to their metallic counterparts, the electron density