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129 records found


Dynamic positioning systems are most commonly used in offshore operations. They provide an automated controlling of position and heading of the vessel using its own thrusters to compensate environmental disturbances. The allocation of total required force over the available ac ...

Marine safety and data analytics

Vessel crash stop maneuvering performance prediction

Crash stop maneuvering performance is one of the key indicators of the vessel safety properties for a shipbuilding company. Many different factors affect these performances, from the vessel design to the environmental conditions, hence it is not trivial to assess them accurate ...

In this paper the authors investigate the problems of predicting the fuel consumption and of providing the best value for the trim of a vessel in real operations based on data measured by the onboard automation systems. Three different approaches for the prediction of the fuel ...

The main purpose of thiswork is to build a data driven model to create realistic operating profiles in order to assess and compare different design solutions. The proposed approach takes advantage on the new generation of automation systems which allow gathering a large amount of ...

The main purpose of this work is to build a data driven model to create realistic operating profiles in order to assess and compare different design solutions. The proposed approach takes advantage on the new generation of automation systems which allow gathering a large amoun ...

Availability, reliability and economic sustainability of naval propulsion plants are key elements to cope with because maintenance costs represent a large slice of total operational expenses. Depending on the adopted strategy, impact of maintenance on overall expenses can rema ...

Ship efficiency forecast based on sensors data collection

Improving numerical models through data analytics

In this paper authors investigate the problem of predicting the fuel consumption of a vessel in real scenario based on data measured by the onboard automation systems. The goal is achieved by exploiting three different approaches: White, Black and Gray Box Models. White Box Mo ...

Powering and seakeeping forecasting for energy efficiency

Assessment of the fuel savings potential for weather routing by in-service data and ensemble prediction techniques

In this work an integration of high-resolution meteo-marine forecast data with detailed ship powering and seakeeping computational algorithms is investigated in order to asses the potential for the attainable fuel savings by weather routing algorithms along relatively short route ...

Economic sustainability of running Naval Propulsion Plants is a key element to cope with, and maintenance costs represent a large slice of total operational expenses: last decades' approaches, based on a repairing-replacing methodology, are being trespassed by more effective a ...

Ship performances forecasting at the Mediterranean scale

Evaluation of the impact of meteocean forecasts on fuel savings for energy efficiency and weather routing

Sustainability and energy efficiency issues, connected to the search for fuel consumption reductions and to the more and more mandatory international regulations regarding the emissions of atmospheric pollutants, are acquiring a growing relevance in shipping industry. In this con ...
The integrated use of modern seakeeping and powering computational techniques and state of the art meteo-marine forecasting and hindcasting resources has the potential of disclosing new ways to approach some relevant issues, such as for instance operations planning at sea, weathe ...
In this article, the authors present a procedure to predict the energy efficiency operational indicator by Monte Carlo simulations, estimating the total ship fuel consumption as a function of displacement and speed considered as random variables. To characterize the probability d ...

Twin screw ships may experience considerably asymmetric propeller functioning during manoeuvres. This phenomenon may result in large power fluctuations during tight manoeuvres, with increases of shaft torque up to and over 100% of the steady values in straight course and consi ...

Traditionally, the environmental performance of marine systems in terms of exhaust emissions has never been among the primary concerns of the maritime industry. However, this situation is going to quickly change, as in the shipping sector Energy Efficiency Design and Operation IM ...

Traditional engine-propeller matching techniques are mainly based on nondimensional parameters analysis: Thrust/advance coefficient or torque/advance coefficient ratio are the most used variables to assess the ship propulsion point or to match, at each selected ship speed, the ...

The influence of wave profile on ship righting arm is among the possible stability failure issues addressed by the recent activity at IMO. The present paper is mainly focused on the so called "pure loss of stability", a dangerous phenomenon that can occur for specific conditio ...

IMO is introducing two different emission indexes for a vessel: the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and the Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI). Both EEDI and EEOI will be probably used as part of a levy scheme to force the maritime sector to significantly reduce ...

Ship electric propulsion

Analyses through modeling and simulation marine 2011

This document provides a method of modelling and simulating synchronous machine for naval application.@en

Marine propulsion plants can experience large power fluctuations during tight maneuvers, with increases of shaft torque up to and over 100% of the steady values in straight course and considerable asymmetry between internal and external shafts during turning circle. This pheno ...

Although the appraisal of economical and commercial parameters relating to ship business is never trivial, it is rather intuitive that goods transportation by larger ships is more profitable, given of course the appropriate logistic boundary conditions. As far as oil tankers are ...