M.M. Hoogerbrugge
23 records found
Beyond Polycentricity
Does Stronger Integration Between Cities in Polycentric Urban Regions Improve Performance?
A quarter of the European population lives in 'polycentric urban regions' (PURs): clusters of historically and administratively distinct but proximate and well-connected cities of relatively similar size. This paper explores whether tighter integration can increase agglomeration
Borrowing size in networks of cities
City size, network connectivity and metropolitan functions in Europe
The current dynamics in the Western European urban system are in marked contrast with the bourgeoning literature stressing the importance of agglomeration for economic growth. This paper explores whether this is due to the rise of ‘city network economies’, leading to processes of
Samen kunnen steden in een regionaal netwerk de massa genereren die nodig is om te kunnen profiteren van agglomeratievoordelen.@en