M Burger

14 records found

The travelling salesman problem forms a basis for many optimisation problems in logistics, finance, and engineering. Several variants exist to accommodate for different problem types. In this paper, we discuss the fixed-destination, multi-depot travelling salesman problem, where ...
Predicting fuel spray interaction with large scale vortex structures still is a major challenge for state-of-the-art CFD codes. In order to elucidate the mechanisms involved, a fundamental study has been carried out in which the interaction of water droplets with a Karman vortex ...

Droplet evaporation modeling by the distillation curve model

Accounting for kerosene fuel and elevated pressures

The emission of jet engines is strongly affected by the fuel preparation process. Due to stringent emission standards, the development of low emission combustor concepts, like lean premixed prevaporized combustion or rich quench lean burn, is an important goal. For the design pro ...
Polydisperse sprays in complex three-dimensional flow systems are important in many technical applications. Numerical descriptions of sprays are used to achieve a fast and accurate prediction of complex two-phase flows. The Eulerian and Lagrangian methods are two essentially diff ...
The present study addresses the numerical prediction of the two-phase flow in the intake port of a SI-engine. Particular emphasis is put on transient phenomena, as well as secondary effects, such as droplet breakup and droplet wall interaction. These phenomena have a significant ...
Polydisperse sprays in complex three dimensional flow systems are important in many technical applications. Numerical descriptions of sprays are used to achieve a fast and accurate prediction of complex two-phase flows. The Eulerian and Lagrangian methods are two essentially diff ...