M. Izeboud
7 records found
Large Variability in Dominant Scattering from Sentinel-1 SAR in East Antarctica
Challenges and Opportunities
Assessing the Surface Mass Balance (SMB) of the Antarctic Ice Sheet is crucial for understanding its response to climate change. Synthetic Aperture Radar observations from Sentinel-1 provide the potential to monitor the variability of SMB processes through changes in the scatteri
Where the White Continent Is Blue
Deep Learning Locates Bare Ice in Antarctica
In some areas of Antarctica, blue-colored bare ice is exposed at the surface. These blue ice areas (BIAs) can trap meteorites or old ice and are vital for understanding the climatic history. By combining multi-sensor remote sensing data (MODIS, RADARSAT-2, and TanDEM-X) in a deep
The timing and magnitude of global sea level rise remains difficult to predict, driven for a large part by the potential instability of ice shelves in Antarctica. Ice shelves, the floating extension of the Antarctic ice sheet, govern the mass loss of the ice sheet by providing re
While the influence of surface melt on Antarctic ice shelf stability can be large, the duration and affected area of melt events are often small. Therefore, melt events are difficult to capture with remote sensing, as satellite sensors always face the trade-off between spatial an
Areas of structural damage mechanically weaken Antarctic ice shelves. This potentially preconditions ice shelves for disintegration and enhanced grounding line retreat. The development of damage and its feedback on marine ice sheet dynamics has been identified as key to future ic
Improving surface melt estimation over the Antarctic Ice Sheet using deep learning
A proof of concept over the Larsen Ice Shelf
Accurately estimating the surface melt volume of the Antarctic Ice Sheet is challenging and has hitherto relied on climate modeling or observations from satellite remote sensing. Each of these methods has its limitations, especially in regions with high surface melt. This study a
To better understand and quantify the impact of clouds on the Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass balance (SMB), we study the spatiotemporal variability of the cloud radiative effect (CRE). The total CRE is separated in short-term and long-term impacts by performing multiple simulat