Sanne B. M. Veldhuijsen

4 records found

Firn density plays a crucial role in assessing the surface mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet. However, our understanding of the spatial and temporal variations in firn density is limited due to (i) spatial and temporal limitations of in situ measurements, (ii) potential mod ...
Assessing the Surface Mass Balance (SMB) of the Antarctic Ice Sheet is crucial for understanding its response to climate change. Synthetic Aperture Radar observations from Sentinel-1 provide the potential to monitor the variability of SMB processes through changes in the scatteri ...
Despite in-situ observations of perennial firn aquifers (PFAs) at specific locations of the Antarctic ice sheet, a comprehensive continent-wide mapping of PFA distribution is currently lacking. We present an estimate of their distribution across Antarctica in the form of a probab ...
Surface melt is an important driver of ice shelf disintegration and its consequent mass loss over the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Monitoring surface melt using satellite remote sensing can enhance our understanding of ice shelf stability. However, the sensors do not measure the actual p ...