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AV Petukhov
Academic Work (15)
Book chapter (1)
Journal article (11)
Poster (3)
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15 records found
Long-range orientation and atomic attachement of nanocrystals in 2D honeycomb superlattices
Journal article (2014) -
MP Boneschanscher (author)
W. H. Evers (author)
J Hilhorst (author)
AV Petukhov (author)
S Bals (author)
D Vanmaelkelbergh (author)
JJ Geuchies (author)
T. Altantzis (author)
FT Rabouw (author)
SAP van Rossum (author)
Herre Van Der van der Zant (author)
L. D.A. Siebbeles (author)
Gustaaf Van Tendeloo (author)
I. Swart (author)
Small-angle X-ray scattering documents the growth of metal-organic frameworks
Journal article (2013) -
M. G. Goesten (author)
I Stavitski (author)
J. Juan Alcañiz (author)
Alberto Martinez Joaristi (author)
AV Petukhov (author)
F Kapteijn (author)
J Gascon (author)
Kinetic control of metal-organic framework crystallization investigated by time-resolved in situ x-ray scattering
Journal article (2011) -
I Stavitski (author)
Maarten G. Goesten (author)
J. Juan Alcañiz (author)
Alberto Martinez Joaristi (author)
P. Serra Crespo (author)
AV Petukhov (author)
J Gascon (author)
Freek Kapteijn (author)
Live encapsulation of a Keggin polyanion in NH2-MIL-101(Al) observed by in situ time resolved X ray scattering
Journal article (2011) -
J. Juan Alcañiz (author)
M. G. Goesten (author)
Alberto Martinez Joaristi (author)
I Stavitski (author)
AV Petukhov (author)
J Gascon (author)
F Kapteijn (author)
Magnetic topology of Co-based inverse opal-like structures
Journal article (2011) -
NA Grigoryeva (author)
AA Mistonov (author)
AV Vasilieva (author)
SV Grigoriev (author)
KS Napolskii (author)
NA Sapoletova (author)
AA Eliseev (author)
WG Bouwman (author)
DV Byelov (author)
AV Petukhov (author)
DY Chernyshov (author)
H Eckerlebe (author)
Fabrication of Artifical Opals by Electric-Field-Assisted Vertical Deposition
Journal article (2010) -
KS Napolskii (author)
NA Sapoletova (author)
AV Lukashin (author)
A Snigirev (author)
AV Vassilieva (author)
SV Grigoryev (author)
AV Petukhov (author)
DF Gorozhankin (author)
AA Eliseev (author)
DY Chernyshov (author)
D Byelov (author)
NA Grigoryeva (author)
AA Mistonov (author)
Wim Bouwman (author)
K Kvashnina (author)
Long-range ordering in anodic alumina films: a microradian X-ray diffraction study
Journal article (2010) -
KS Napolskii (author)
IV Roslyakov (author)
SV Grigoriev (author)
AA Eliseev (author)
AV Petukhov (author)
DV Byelov (author)
NA Grigoryeva (author)
Wim G. Bouwman (author)
AV Lukashin (author)
KO Kvashnina (author)
AP Chumakov (author)
Determination of the Real Structure of Artificial and Natural Opals on the Basis of Three-Dimensional Reconstructions of Inverse Space
Journal article (2009) -
AA Eliseev (author)
DF Gorozhankin (author)
K Kvashnina (author)
DY Chernyshev (author)
AA Bosak (author)
SV Grigoryev (author)
KS Napolsky (author)
AV Petukhov (author)
NA Sapoletova (author)
AV Vasilyeva (author)
NA Grigoryeva (author)
AA Mistonov (author)
DV Belov (author)
W.G. Bouwman (author)
Double Stacking Faults in Convectively Assembled Crystals of Colloidal Spheres
Journal article (2009) -
JM Hilhorst (author)
VV Abramova (author)
K Kvashnina (author)
A Snigirev (author)
SV Grigoriev (author)
AV Petukhov (author)
A Sinitskii (author)
NA Sapoletova (author)
KS Napolskii (author)
AA Eliseev (author)
D Byelov (author)
NA Grigoryeva (author)
AV Vasilieva (author)
W. G. Bouwman (author)
Structure of hard-sphere colloid observed in real space by spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering
Journal article (2005) -
T.V. Kruglov (author)
W. G. Bouwman (author)
Jeroen Plomp (author)
M.T. Rekveldt (author)
GJ Vroege (author)
AV Petukhov (author)
DME Thies-Weesie (author)
Structure of hard-sphere colloid observed in real space by spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering
Poster (2004) -
T.V. Kruglov (author)
W. G. Bouwman (author)
J Plomp (author)
MT Rekveldt (author)
GJ Vroege (author)
AV Petukhov (author)
DME Thies-Weesie (author)
Structure of hard-sphere colloid observed in real space by spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering
Poster (2003) -
T.V. Kruglov (author)
W. G. Bouwman (author)
J Plomp (author)
MT Rekveldt (author)
GJ Vroege (author)
AV Petukhov (author)
DME Thies-Weesie (author)
Hard-sphere colloids studied by Spin-Echo Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
Book chapter (2003) -
T.V. Kruglov (author)
W. G. Bouwman (author)
J Plomp (author)
MT Rekveldt (author)
GJ Vroege (author)
AV Petukhov (author)
DME Thies-Weesie (author)
Structural transitions of hard-sphere colloids studied by spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering
Journal article (2003) -
T.V. Kruglov (author)
W. G. Bouwman (author)
J Plomp (author)
MT Rekveldt (author)
GJ Vroege (author)
AV Petukhov (author)
DM Thies-Weesie (author)
Phase transitions in colloidal crystals studied with the spin-echo SANS
Poster (2003) -
T.V. Kruglov (author)
W. G. Bouwman (author)
J Plomp (author)
MT Rekveldt (author)
GJ Vroege (author)
AV Petukhov (author)
DME Thies-Weesie (author)