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H Eckerlebe
Academic Work (7)
Journal article (7)
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7 records found
Influence of Substrate Microstructure on Longitudinal Correlation Length of Porous System of Anodic Alumina: Small-Angle Scattering Study
Journal article (2013) -
AP Chumakov (author)
IV Roslyakov (author)
K.I. Napol'skii (author)
AA Eliseev (author)
AV Lukashin (author)
H Eckerlebe (author)
W. G. Bouwman (author)
DV Belov (author)
AI Okorokov (author)
SV Grigoriev (author)
Magnetic topology of Co-based inverse opal-like structures
Journal article (2011) -
NA Grigoryeva (author)
AA Mistonov (author)
AV Vasilieva (author)
SV Grigoriev (author)
KS Napolskii (author)
NA Sapoletova (author)
AA Eliseev (author)
WG Bouwman (author)
DV Byelov (author)
AV Petukhov (author)
DY Chernyshov (author)
H Eckerlebe (author)
Critical scattering of polarized neutrons in invar Fe65Ni35 alloy
Journal article (2004) -
SV Grigoriev (author)
SV Maleyev (author)
AI Okorokov (author)
H Eckerlebe (author)
Niels H. Van Dijk (author)
Study of the dynamic spin chirality in invars by small angle polarized neutron scattering
Journal article (2004) -
SV Metelev (author)
SV Grigoriev (author)
SV Maleyev (author)
AI Okorokov (author)
H Eckerlebe (author)
Niels van Van Dijk (author)
E Brück (author)
SANS study of new magnetic nanocomposites embedded into the mesoporous silica
Journal article (2003) -
EA Kelberg (author)
SV Grigoriev (author)
AI Okorokov (author)
H Eckerlebe (author)
NA Grigorieva (author)
W. H. Kraan (author)
AA Eliseev (author)
AV Lukashin (author)
AA Vertegel (author)
KS Napolskii (author)
Polarized SANS: criticial scattering in invars
Journal article (2003) -
SV Grigoriev (author)
SV Maleyev (author)
AI Okorokov (author)
H Eckerlebe (author)
Niels Harmen H. van Dijk (author)
E Brück (author)
Spin-wave dynamics in Invar Fe65Ni35 studied by small-angle polarized neutron scattering
Journal article (2002) -
SV Grigoriev (author)
SV Maleyev (author)
VV Deriglazov (author)
AI Okorokov (author)
N. H. Dijk (author)
E Brück (author)
JCP Klaasse (author)
H Eckerlebe (author)
G Kozik (author)