T.L.P. Avermaete

121 records found

Revisiting Critical Regionalism

Critical Regionalism Revisited

For more than five decades, Anglo-American architecture critic and historian Kenneth Frampton has played a prominent role in architecture culture. During this entire period, he has taken a rather exceptional position, operating mainly in the registers of historiography while simu ...
What tools, procedures, and methods do architects use? The triptychs on display show their approach both in analytical and designerly ways. The first panel of each triptych represents an architectural question; the second panel represents a method. The third panel showcases the c ...

Death of the Author, Center, and Meta-Theory

Emerging Planning Histories and Expanding Methods of the Early 21st Century

Accommodating the Commons

Social-Spatial Practices in Bogotá

The article describes research and design carried out in the Graduation Studio “Positions in Practice” (2015-2017) of the Chair of Methods and Analysis at Delft University of Technology , which focused on the urban context of Bogotá, as a laboratory for the definition of archite ...
Objective: This article describes an approach to a metrics-based evaluation of public space in hospitals using cross-disciplinary qualitative and quantitative analyses. The method, Indoor Public Space Measurement (IPSM), is well suited to researchers and designers who intend to e ...

The Ideas of a Small Avant-Garde at Large

Situating Stynen’s Professional Practice in the Post-War Period

The editors of this themed issue of SPOOL place the discussion on the possibilities and impossibilities of criticism within the field of the design disciplines at centre stage. We are especially interested in how criticism can make an active contribution to taking a position vis- ...

The socius of architecture

Spatialising the social and socialising the spatial

Towards Another Rhetoric

Or the Importance of Thinking the Weak Monument

Collectivity in the prison of plenty

The French commercial centres by Claude Parent, 1967-1971

They lived in a strange and shimmering world, the bedazzling universe of a market culture, in prisons of plenty, in the bewitching traps of comfort and happiness. Where were the dangers? Where were the threats? In the past men fought in their millions, and millions still do fight ...

Une architecture autre

Brutalism, decolonization, and mass consumption

Foreword book of Abstracts The Tools of the Architect.@en

The Infrastructure of Bare Life

Another Definition of Housing from and for the Global South

Tom Avermaete demonstrates how the work of Constantinos Doxiadis, Michel Ecochard, and Otto Koenigsberger expanded the definition of infrastructure, making it part of the development agenda. Regarding plans as an integrating framework rather than a fixed vision, these figures, de ...