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C.T. Ponnambalam

10 records found


Reinforcement learning (RL) models the learning process of humans, but as exciting advances are made that use increasingly deep neural networks, some of the fundamental strengths of human learning are still underutilized by RL agents. One of the most exciting properties of RL is ...

Back to the Future

Solving Hidden Parameter MDPs with Hindsight

The use of reinforcement learning (RL) in real-world domains often requires extensive effort to ensure safe behavior. While this compromises the autonomy of the system, it might still be too risky to allow a learning agent to freely explore its environment. These strict impositio ...
Offline reinforcement learning (RL), or learning from a fixed data set, is an attractive alternative to online RL. Offline RL promises to address the cost and safety implications of tak- ing numerous random or bad actions online, a crucial aspect of traditional RL that makes it d ...
Behavior cloning is a method of automated decision-making that aims to extract meaningful information from expert demonstrations and reproduce the same behavior autonomously. It is unlikely that demonstrations will exhaustively cover the potential problem space, compromising the ...
The goal in behavior cloning is to extract meaningful information from expertdemonstrations and reproduce the same behavior autonomously. However, theavailable data is unlikely to exhaustively cover the potential problem space. As aresult, the quality of automated decision makin ...
Reinforcement learning requires exploration, leading to repeated execution of sub-optimal actions. Naive exploration techniques address this problem by changing gradually from exploration to exploitation. This approach employs a wide search resulting in exhaustive exploration and ...


Know what it does not know

Improving Offline Deep Reinforcement Learning with Uncertainty Estimation

Offline reinforcement learning, or learning from a fixed data set, is an attractive alternative to online reinforcement learning. Offline reinforcement learning promises to address the cost and safety implications of taking numerous random or bad actions online, which is a crucia ...
A recent advancement in Reinforcement Learning is the capability of modelling opponents. In this work, we are interested in going back to basics and testing this capability within the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma, a simple method for modelling multi agent systems. Using t ...
In the road toward autonomous vehicles, we will have to overcome the challenge that a car will not directly be able to drive fully autonomous in all situations a vehicle will come across. One way to tackle this problem is provided by the MEDIATOR project, which aims at creating a ...