S. Komossa
79 records found
A place or city can be characterized by a particular housing type – a ‘referential housing type’. It is usually embodied in the housing form that was widely produced in the golden age of a region. It may be conceived as an inseparable combination of spatial and socio-cultural fea
States of co-existence and border projects in port cities
Genoa and Rotterdam compared
In port cities there is a tendency to dislocate production activities in favour of logistic-productive dynamics. In addition, the transition from an industrial area model to a ‘logistics hinterland’ formula shifts attention to a territorial scale, focusing on spaces at the border
This article discusses how CIAM (Congrès Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne) influenced Dutch housing and urban planning. It starts by looking at programs and policies of the 1920s and 1930s Dutch housing design, and the way in which the new ideas of CIAM were there incorporat
Lessons taught by Jane Jacobs
Lessons learned by an architect
This article discusses the importance of observation in architecture and urbanism and subsequently, the hypothesis that decoding space through observation of form, use and design and typo-morphological research leads to an understanding of internal logic of spatial patterns inste
Confronting Wicked Problems
Adapting Architectural Education to the New Situation in Europe
3rd Wicked Workshop on Architectural and Urban Sustainability. Sustainability Think Tank 01.09.14 – 31.08.17@en
The study of urban form in the Netherlands has been heavily influenced by the Modern Movement and characterized by strong disciplinaiy specialization. On the one hand there is the distinction between art and engineering and on the other the search for instrumental universal ratio
For example Delft
A case study discussed in the context of institutional profile(s) and the future of architectural education
EAAE Poster Exhibition: 60 Institutional profiles of architectural education & Faculty Posters@en
Confronting Wicked Problems
Adapting Architectural Education to the New Situation in Europe
1st Wicked Workshop on Architectural and Urban Sustainability, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, 19-15 April 2015@en