J.K. Stammes
7 records found
Matters of Attention
Gaining insight in student learning in the complexity of design-based chemistry education
Engaging students in design has great potential for promoting learning in science education, and design practices have been gaining emphasis in national science curricula in recent years. In the actual success of this type of instruction, teachers play a key role. Many recommende
Bringing design practices to chemistry classrooms
Studying teachers’ pedagogical ideas in the context of a professional learning community
Bringing design practices to chemistry education is gaining interest with recent science curriculum reforms emphasising design, and calls for integrated STEM education. Design is a central practice in the chemistry discipline, and could foster meaningful chemistry education. Alth
Formatief toetsen van begripsontwikkeling in ontwerponderwijs
Een onderzoek naar instrumenten en activiteiten voor authentieke formatieve toetsing tijdens ontwerpprojecten bij scheikunde en informatica
Bij het ontwikkelen van technologieën spelen ontwerppraktijken een grote rol. Met zulke praktijken kunnen leerlingen op school al kennismaken. Ontwerpgericht onderwijs biedt ook kansen voor leerlingen om hun bèta-vakkennis te verdiepen of verbreden. Bij zo’n onderwijsaanpak is he
α-Hydroxy ketones and vicinal diols constitute well-known building blocks in organic synthesis. Here we describe one enzyme that enables the enantioselective synthesis of both building blocks starting from diketones. The enzyme 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase (BudC) from S. marcesce