F.A. Henze-Rietveld
23 records found
Bringing design practices to chemistry classrooms
Studying teachers’ pedagogical ideas in the context of a professional learning community
Bringing design practices to chemistry education is gaining interest with recent science curriculum reforms emphasising design, and calls for integrated STEM education. Design is a central practice in the chemistry discipline, and could foster meaningful chemistry education. Alth
Research and design activities are important focus points in international policies for secondary Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education. It is up to school teachers to implement and supervise these activities in the STEM classroom. However, not much is
Technological design is a core activity in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education. During the design process, students often employ research activities to enhance the quality of their design decisions and to rise above a mere trial-and-error approach to
In this chapter, we discuss a methodology to analyse student teachers' personal pedagogical content knowledge (pPCK) development in a chemistry teacher education programme using PCK-oriented forms for lesson planning, evaluation and reflection. We unravel the student science teac
The purpose of this study is to provide insight into short-term professionalization of teachers regarding teaching socioscientific issues (SSI). The study aimed to capture the development of science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) for SSI teaching by enacting specia
A chemistry lesson for citizenship
Students’ use of different perspectives in decision-making about the use and sale of laughing gas
The aim of this study was to explore how the design of this chemistry lesson for citizenship influences students’ use of different perspectives in decision-making about ‘the use and sale of laughing gas’. In this study, ‘the use and sale of laughing gas among youth’ was chosen as
Finding the connection between research and design
The knowledge development of STEM teachers in a professional learning community
Research and design activities are becoming more important in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and D&T (design and technology) education. Research and design are often taught separately from each other, while in professional STEM practices, many project
Formatief toetsen van begripsontwikkeling in ontwerponderwijs
Een onderzoek naar instrumenten en activiteiten voor authentieke formatieve toetsing tijdens ontwerpprojecten bij scheikunde en informatica
Research and design activities are often employed in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) education. This study aims to examine students’ attitudes towards doing research and design activities in secondary school, among two groups of students: (1) students th
In design-based education, students use scientific concepts to inform their artifact-making endeavors. On the other hand, artifactmaking activities are meant to deepen students' conceptual understanding. However, no strategy has been described that explicitly links conceptual dev
Science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) has been researched in many studies, yet little empirical evidence has been found to determine how this knowledge actually informs teachers’ actions in the classroom. To complement previous quantitative studies, there is a nee
The research we discuss here is on the impact of these materials on the PCK of chemistry teachers in five different countries. The research aims to study patterns in teachers’ PCK and to investigate whether these patterns are shared internationally. Specific methodological questi
A pedagogy to educate novices to professionalize
On the crossroad of science & technology education and communication
Due to current societal and substantial developments in both Science & Technology Education (STE) and Science & Technology Communication (STC), the need for practitioners to professionalize is increasing. Given the many similarities between both disciplines, the question seems to
The research reported in this study focuses on the influence of innovative and RRI support science teaching materials on teachers development of practical knowledge (PK) to support student skills to deal with science issues in society. To capture the complexity of teacher PK, we