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S van der Water
Academic Work (3)
Journal article (3)
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3 records found
SP-0010: Selection of patients for proton therapy: a physicists view
Journal article (2016) -
M. Hoogeman (author)
T. Arts (author)
Twan Arts (author)
S van der Water (author)
S van der Voort (author)
Zoltan Perko (author)
Zoltá Perkó (author)
Zoltá Perko (author)
Zoltán Perkó (author)
Zoltán Perko (author)
Z. Perkó (author)
Zoltan Perkó (author)
Z. Perko (author)
D. Lathouwers (author)
D Lathouwers (author)
Danny Lathouwers (author)
S. Breedveld (author)
B Heijmen (author)
Variable circular collimator in robotic radiosurgery: A time-efficient alternative to a mini-multieaf: collimator?
Journal article (2011) -
S van der Water (author)
MS Hoogeman (author)
S. Breedveld (author)
JJME Nuyttens (author)
DR Schaart (author)
Dennis R. Schaart (author)
D. Schaart (author)
Dennis Schaart (author)
D.R. Schaart (author)
D. R. Schaart (author)
B.J.M. Heijmen (author)
Tumour tracking with scanned proton beams: assessing the accuracy and practicalities
Journal article (2009) -
S van der Water (author)
Rob Kreuger (author)
R. Kreuger (author)
R Kreuger (author)
S Zenklusen (author)
E Hug (author)
AJ Lomax (author)