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JA Packer
Academic Work (19)
Book (5)
Book chapter (2)
Conference paper (5)
Journal article (6)
Report (1)
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19 records found
Static Strength of Axially Loaded Elliptical Hollow Section X Joints with Braces Welded to Wide Sides of Chord. II: Parametric Study and Strength Equations
Journal article (2014) -
W. Shen (author)
SW Choo (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
JA Packer (author)
GJ van der Vegte (author)
Design recommendations for axially loaded elliptical hollow section X and T joints
Journal article (2014) -
Jaap Wardenier (author)
JS Choo (author)
JA Packer (author)
GJ van der Vegte (author)
W. Shen (author)
Static strength of axially loaded EHS X-joints with braces welded to the narrow sides of the chord
Journal article (2013) -
W. Shen (author)
YS Choo (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
JA Packer (author)
GJ van der Vegte (author)
Axially loaded elliptical hollow section X joints, part II: Results and analysis
Conference paper (2012) -
W. Shen (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
JA Packer (author)
YS Choo (author)
GJ van der Vegte (author)
Axially loaded elliptical hollow section X joints, Part I: Experiments and numerical calibration
Conference paper (2012) -
W. Shen (author)
YS Choo (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
GJ van der Vegte (author)
JA Packer (author)
Background of the new RHS joints strength equations in the IIW (2009) recommendatiaons
Conference paper (2010) -
Jaap Wardenier (author)
GJ van der Vegte (author)
JA Packer (author)
X-L Zhao (author)
Current static design guidance for hollow-section joints
Journal article (2010) -
X-L Zhao (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
JA Packer (author)
GJ van der Vegte (author)
Design guide for rectangular hollow section (RHS) joints under predominantly static loading (2nd ed)
Book (2009) -
JA Packer (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
X-L Zhao (author)
GJ van der Vegte (author)
Y Kurobane (author)
Evaluation of new CHS strength formulae to design strengths
Conference paper (2008) -
GJ van der Vegte (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
X-L Zhao (author)
JA Packer (author)
Design guide for circular hollow section (CHS) joints under predominantly static loading (2nd ed)
Book (2008) -
Jaap Wardenier (author)
Y Kurobane (author)
JA Packer (author)
GJ van der Vegte (author)
X-L Zhao (author)
New IIW (2008) static design recommendations for hollow section joints
Conference paper (2008) -
X-L Zhao (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
JA Packer (author)
GJ van der Vegte (author)
Guia de disesno para nudos soldados de perfiles tubulares circulares y rectangulares sometidos a solicktaciones de fatiga
Book (2003) -
X-L Zhao (author)
S Herion (author)
JA Packer (author)
G Sedlacek (author)
RS Puthli (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
K Weynand (author)
AM van Wingerde (author)
NF Yeomans (author)
Assemblages soudes de profils creux circulaires et rectangulaires sous chargement en fatigue
Book (2002) -
X-L Zhao (author)
S Herion (author)
JA Packer (author)
RS Puthli (author)
G Sedlacek (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
K Weynand (author)
AM van Wingerde (author)
NF Yeomans (author)
Geschweisste Anschluesse von runden und rechteckigen Hohlprofilen unter Ermuedigungsbelastiung
Book (2002) -
X-L Zhao (author)
S Herion (author)
JA Packer (author)
RS Puthli (author)
G Sedlacek (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
K Weynand (author)
AM van Wingerde (author)
NF Yeomans (author)
Recommended hot spot stress design for fatigue assesssment of hollow section joints
Book chapter (2002) -
Jaap Wardenier (author)
AM van Wingerde (author)
JA Packer (author)
NF Yeomans (author)
Simplified SCF formulae and graphs for CHS and RHS K- and KK- connections
Journal article (2001) -
JA Packer (author)
J Wardenier (author)
AM van Wingerde (author)
Design guide for circular and rectangular hollow section welded joints under fatique loading
Book chapter (2000) -
X-L Zhao (author)
S Herion (author)
JA Packer (author)
RS Puthli (author)
G Sedlacek (author)
Jaap Wardenier (author)
K Weynand (author)
AM van Wingerde (author)
NF Yeomans (author)
Fatigue behaviour of nailed tubular connections
Journal article (2000) -
N Kosteski (author)
JA Packer (author)
AM van Wingerde (author)
Beyond the IIW design recommendations: simplified design charts for in-plane loading
Report (2000) -
AM van Wingerde (author)
JA Packer (author)
J Wardenier (author)